文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 英語学演習1



科目名 英語学演習1
旧カリキュラム名 英語学演習1
教員名 パターソン
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Human languages change and when they do one language starts to distance itself from another. This part of the course provides theoretical background and explores how and why languages undergo change in time (historical linguistics) and the ways in which languages are similar or different (comparative linguistics)
授業のねらい・到達目標 Languages change over time and geography. Historical and Comparative linguistics is the study of languages that are related in the areas of morphology and syntax. We will look at languages within the Indo-European family of languages.
授業の方法 My aim is to give students real language examples of how and why languages change. The most important part of the course will be to understand anguage change by solving comparative and historical problems. A test will be given at the end of the semester. The test will cover both general knowledge of the lectures and linguistic analysis of languages.
1 Guidance and aims of the class. What you should know before you begin.
2 The comparative method in linguistics
3 Sound Change and Types of Change
4 Sound Change: Addition and Loss
5 Practice and problems in sound change
6 Dialect vs. language: What's the difference
7 Internal Reconstruction
8 Internal Reconstruction: examples
9 Practice and problems
10 Dialects of English: North America
11 Dialects of English: Europe
12 Dialects of English: Other
13 Test and/or final paper
14 Library Assignment: Research in Linguistics
15 Discussion of Library Assignment
教科書 『NONE』
参考書 There is no text for the course. We will rely on handouts and notetaking in class.
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(40%)、レポート(10%)、授業内テスト(20%)、Attendance (10%)、Research Paper or Research Project(20%)
We will make extensive use of the Media Lab and the Internet. Studens must know how to access Blackboard 9 from their computers.
オフィスアワー Monday 12:20-2:30, Room 7314
備考 Students with excessive absences or continual tardies will not receive credit for the class.
