文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > アカデミック・ライティング1



科目名 アカデミック・ライティング1
旧カリキュラム名 英作文1
教員名 キャラカー
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Students will gain the ability to express themselves accurately in writing.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to promote students’ written discourse competence. In other words, the students will gain mastery of the rules governing sentence level and paragraph academic writing. How to write topic sentences, thesis statements, supporting examples and essay introductions, bodies and conclusions are some of the topics which will be included. Students will also be made aware of some of the more common grammatical problems.
授業の方法 Discourse competence will be taught step by step: gathering data through personal interviews and library research, how to take effective notes, creating an outline, drafting, revising, and grammatical error correction. Students will be made to understand the importance of the process of academic writing. Therefore, the students will write three drafts of each assignment.
1 Course Introduction/Self Introduction
2 Writing diagnostic, structure of a paragraph, brainstorming
3 Supporting details, concluding sentences
4 Sentence coherence, Paragraph format, using conjunctions effectively
5 Using transitional expressions, grammatical self correction
6 Multi paragraph writing: Academic writing style
7 Multi paragraph writing: Essay outlines and Thesis Statements
8 Multi paragraph writing: Developing body paragraphs, Introductory paragraphs and concluding paragraphs
9 Multi paragraph writing: peer editing and using pronouns effectively
10 Using outside sources: paraphrasing
11 Using outside sources: summarizing
12 Using outside sources: quotations and in-text citations
13 Error correction
14 Independent Study Assignment
15 Final draft due/Review
教科書 Academic Writing Skills, Student’s Book 1. Chin, Peter, et al. Cambridge University Press
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(20%)、レポート(60%)、授業内テスト(20%)
オフィスアワー Tuesday 11-12
Thursday 4-5
