文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > オーラル・コミュニケーション1



科目名 オーラル・コミュニケーション1
旧カリキュラム名 スピーチ・コミュニケーション1
教員名 キャラカー
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Students will gain confidence in their ability to understand and express themselves on a variety of topics in English.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to promote students’ strategic competence and oral presentation skills. Strategic competence means the students will gain mastery of language strategies to make up for a deficit, which will lead to control in communicative situations. Confirming information, showing interest, and maintaining and developing conversations are some of the strategies which will be included. Situations relevant to the students’ lives like describing hometowns, dealing with large numbers and storytelling will be covered.Oral presentation skills will include the three Vs: visual message, vocal message and verbal message.
授業の方法 Each language strategy will be taught through progressing from listening for the gist and details, reviewing new words and expressions, memorizing conversations which utilize short-term memory and building longer conversational discourses.The oral presentation skills will focus on how to organize the content of the speech: introduction, body and conclusion, and how to create a message that the audience understands, remembers and is inspired by. The paralinguistic features of vocal control, posture, gestures, facial expressions and eye contact will also be emphasized.
1 Course Introduction/Self Introduction/vocal control
2 Describing Cities/Hometown/speech content: the power of three
3 Describing Cities/Hometown Continued/Speech delivery: vocal pausing
4 Building Conversations/Speech content: Unexpected message
5 Building Conversations Continued/Speech delivery: vocal emphasis
6 Review/Personal story Speeches
7 Speaking roleplays
8 Storytelling/Speech content: Concrete message
9 Storytelling continued/Speech content: establishing credibility
10 Numbers and fluency/Speech delivery: eye contact
11 Numbers and fluency continued/Speech content: emotional stories
12 Review
13 Speeches
14 Independent study
15 Final class discussion
教科書 Alastair Graham-Marr, Communication Spotlight Pre Intermediate Speaking Strategies and Listening Skills Split Version B, Abax, 2014, 2nd edition
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(20%)、平常点(10%)、授業内テスト(30%)、授業参画度(10%)、Presentations(30%)
Students may not be absent more than 4 times. More than 4 absences means failing the class.
オフィスアワー Tuesday 11:00-12:00
Thursday 4:00-5:00
My office
