文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > Asian Culture 2 アジアの文化2

Asian Culture 2 アジアの文化2


Asian Culture 2 アジアの文化2
(Asian Culture 2)
教員名 舘野 正美
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ Several Aspects of "Asia"
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is aiming at giving the students an overview of everyday phenomenal issues mainly in Asian area ( China, Korea, Japan, etc. ) to which are given a generic name of “culture”. Specifically, we are taking glances on such “cultures” as philosophy, religion, literature (contemporary and classics), medicine & drugs, science, language (including KANJI(漢字) characters), and so forth.
授業の方法 lecture+seminar
履修条件 基本的に留学生対象の英語による授業ですが、英語が分かれば誰でも受講できます。但し、英語が分かるだけでなく、授業の内容(医学、医学思想)に興味を持ち、積極的に授業に参加することも、重要な条件となります。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント reviews & preparations are inevitable
1 introduction (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
2 traditional Chinese medicine1 fundamentals (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
3 traditional Chinese medicine2 diagnosis and remedy (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
4 traditional Chinese medicine3 galenical (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
5 traditional Chinese medicine4 in Lushi-Chunchiu (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
6 traditional Chinese medicine5 Shenneng-pencaoching (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
7 traditional Chinese medicine6 Shanghanlun (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
8 traditional Chinese medicine7 Huangting-neiching (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
9 traditional Japnese medicine1 fundamentals (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
10 traditional Japnese medicine2 Manase Dozan(prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
11 traditional Japnese medicine3 Yoshimasu Todo (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
12 traditional Japnese medicine4 Nakagami Kinkei (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
13 traditional Japnese medicine5 overview (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
14 a study in the university museum (prepare the contents in the next class as indicated)
15 overview
教科書 none
参考書 show you in the class
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(50%)、レポート(50%)
オフィスアワー after the class
