文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > Culture of Japan 2 (日本文化論2)

Culture of Japan 2 (日本文化論2)


Culture of Japan 2 (日本文化論2)
Culture of Japan 2
教員名 青柳 寛
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
学期 後期 履修区分 選択

This course will introduce students to prominent social values and cultural qualities that characterize contemporary Japan. Students will investigate concrete cases in which these values and tendencies are depicted, and develop ways to better comprehend and explain Japanese culture and society of this era in comparison to other eras in history. Both English and Japanese languages will be utilized in classes in order to clarify relevant values, concepts, social meanings, and perspectives.

授業のねらい・到達目標 1) A series of lectures to enhance acquisitional skills
2) Assignments that aim to enhance summarization skills
3) Research project that aims to acquire the knowhow in social-scientific investigation
4) Presentations to examine and develop expressive skills
授業の方法 1) Foster acquisitional skills through lectures
2) Enhance summarization skills through assignments
3) Acquire knowhow in social-scientific investigation through research projects
4) Develop expressive skills through presentations
履修条件 No specific background in social science is required in advance, but students must be willing to learn in and from the class. Personal efforts and achievements are highly evaluated -let alone attentiveness!

事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Core lectures, arguments, as well as reading and writing will be executed in English, while acquisitional techniques will be discussed in Japanese for Japanese students.

1 Course Introduction: On the Sociocutural Study of Contemporay Japan
2 Japan's Geo-cultural Setting and Its National Qualities
3 Prominent Value 1. Group Consciousness
4 Prominent Value 2. Double Standards and Cultural Ambivalence
5 Prominent Value 3. GANBARU for what?: On Myths and Realities of Diligence and Decency
6 Prominent Value 4. How to Conform and Resist in This Nation-State?
7 Research Workshop: How to Investigate Contemporary Japan
8 Japan, Inc. and the "Bright New World": Understanding the National Matrix of Postwar Japan
9 Meiji Restoration and the Foundation of Contemprary Japanese Nation-State
10 Japan's Majorities and Minorities
11 Japanese Language and Speech-Style Transformation
12 Research Presentation Workshop
13 Student Presentations
14 Student Presentations
15 Student Presentations
教科書 Course Package will be assigned in class
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(40%)、授業内テスト(30%)、授業参画度(30%)
オフィスアワー Before and after class hours
