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教員名 キャラカー,リチャード
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Improving writing skills in different rhetorical situations.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This class will teach students the fundamentals of paragraph and essay writing. The final essay will be a step-by-step multiple paragraph essay.
授業の方法 There will be lots of in-class writing, discussion and guidance from the teacher, along with extensive homework. After practicing the fundamentals of crafting a coherent paragraph, the students will expand their skills to the multi-paragraph essay. The students will also learn summarizing, paraphrasing and citations skills.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students should prepare for each class based on what is stated in the weekly schedule.
1 Goals of the class, diagnostic exam, machine translations
2 Unit 1:What is a paragraph?
Preparation: Read pages 43-49
3 Unit 1:Writing a topic sentence, supporting ideas and outlines
Preparation: Read pages 14-1 and page 50
4 Unit 1: Peer editing Outlines/supporting ideas and details/concluding sentences
Preparation: Read pages 13-18
5 Unit 1: Peer editing paragraphs/Coherence/conjunctions/paragraph format/objectivity
Preparation: Read pages
6 Unit 1: Peer editing Grammar: run-on sentences and sentence fragments
Preparation: Read pages
7 Unit 2: What is an essay?/Thesis statements, topic sentences
Preparation: Read pages
8 Unit 2: Developing body paragraphs, Introduction, Conclusion
Preparation: Read pages
9 Unit 2: Using pronouns/Peer editing
Preparation: Write first draft of essay
10 Unit 2: Revising essays/Peer editing Grammar
Preparation: Write second draft of essay
11 Unit 3: Paraphrasing
Preparation: Read pages 72-73
12 Unit 3: Summarizing
Preparation: Read pages 77-78
13 Test on paraphrasing and summarizing
14 No class/Independent Study
15 Return essays, exams and Teacher evaluations
教科書 Chin, Peter, et al. , Academic Writing Skills, Student’s Book 1, Cambridge University Press
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(20%)、平常点(20%)、レポート(40%)、授業内テスト(20%)
オフィスアワー Tuesday 4:30-5:30 Office
