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英語1 (史学)


英語1 (史学)
教員名 ファレル,ノーマン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ To help students activate their substantial knowledge of English, and to have them realize they can come to use it effectively.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To familiarize students with the sounds of usual spoken (American) English.
To create a light atmosphere in class so as to cause students to enjoy their time in the classroom, and to make English not a "foreign" language.
To instill confidence in students in asking questions when they don't understand.
授業の方法 There is no textbook. Part of the reason for this is that students must often depend on information imparted orally. This makes it necessary for them to ask questions, rather than to note passively such information, were it presented to them in written form. ( Ultimately, though, they will be given a printout. )
As much as possible, effort will be made to have the students talking - not the teacher.
Many activities will be conducted using information gaps in which one person must discover what the other knows in order to solve a problem, or to piece together a whole. This will sometimes be done using pictures, and songs.
A movie will be shown as basis for questions on comprehension of them, and also for an essay.
As incentive to learn, as well as for the teacher to evaluate students' progress, a quiz will be be given at the start of almost every lesson. This quiz will be based on what was taught during the previous lesson.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Welcome to my class! There will be many exercises in which you will speak with one another in order to share information. Please always do this in English :-)) Other times maybe when I am talking to you, you might not understand me - this is natural. If you don`t undertand, then ask me and I will help you. I want you to enjoy your time here, and I hope I will
be able to help you improve your English.


Before class - do your homework!
During class - do not speak Japanese.
do NOT use your cell phone ( keitai )
do not use a dictionary (ask me instead )
         if you want to use the restroom just go - you do not need to ask permisson
if you don't understand me ask questions ( to me, not to your friend )
After class If you want to speak with me, I usually have time for you
1 Health and physical problems ( e.g. pollen allergy, bee stings, high blood pressure, sprained ankle, etc. )
Preparation: Please memorize these requests: Please say it again. How do you spell X ? What's the word before X ? What's the word after X? What does X mean
2 1. Describing positions 2. Song (Three Blind Mice ) 3. Usage of ( So do I. Neither do I. I do. I don't. )
Preparation: Know these words: circle, above, below, left, right, horizontal line, vertical line. Also study this table:
Person A Person B
Same Different
I like cats. So do I. I don't.
I don't like cats. Neither do I. I do.
3 1. Describing positions ( advanced ) 2. Telling story. (Urashima Taro) 3. Review of lesson 1
Preparation: Know these words: upper right, lower left, capital A, upside-down capital A, diagonal line
Review story of Urashima Taro so that you know it.
4 Urashima Taro ( 35 second timed recitation ) Construction of anecdote using shared information.
Preparation: practice U. Taro recitation until you can say it in under 35 seconds.
5 1. Giving instructions on the street 2. Paired practice in finding differences of two pictures. Neither person can see the other's picture.
Preparation: Read the handout about how to find the Golden Rooster Restaurant, and memorize the dialog.
6 1. Common Proverbs 2. Review of designating positions
Preparation: On the handout there are parts of five proverbs. Try to put the parts together to make the five proverbs.
7 1. Proverbs: When to use them. 2. Sharing information in order to make a table organizing facts.
Preparation: Study the handout of proverbs and situations, and try to think which proverb to use in which situation.
8 1. Western United States map - information collaboration exercise. 2. Shared information exercise ( In a restaurant/in a store )
2. Study carefully the handout and know the expressions : north of, south of, east of, and west of.
9 Movie: Stand By Me - first part In the last part of class, begin answering written question about the movie.
Read the handout about the movie.
10 Movie: Stand By Me - second part
Preparation: Finish answering questions about movie.
11 Shared information exercise regarding Stand By Me.
Homework for today: Write essay ( one page ) about your feeling about the movie.
12 1. Dictation: Ten Questions for students to then ask one another. 2. "What's wrong with … "
Read handout
13 1. Pair work. One student has a picture, the other only a piece of paper. The one student tells the other how to draw the picture. 2. How to answer negative questions. 3. Information sharing preparatory to making table.
Preparation: Read handout about answering negative questions.
14 Make a table of the information from part 3 of lesson 13.
15 1. Your summer vacation ( Dictation of 10 questions for students to ask one another ). 2. Crossword Puzzle
Preparation: Review your handouts and notes from this semester.
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(90%)、授業参画度(10%)
オフィスアワー 12:30 to 1 p.m. in classroom on Tuesdays.
