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英語1 (哲学・中文)


英語1 (哲学・中文)
教員名 フレンドーフ,アーノ
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ This class will focus on improving skill in English speaking and listening through discussion of a variety of topics.
授業のねらい・到達目標 「英語1」は、聞く・話すという、音声言語としてのコミュニケーション能力を培うことを目標としています。母国語習得過程を振り返っても十分理解できるように、言語は思ったり感じたりすることを話し、これを聞いて理解するものとして発達してきました。英語によく耳を傾け、おおよその内容を理解できるようになること、自分が相手に伝えようとすることを英語で即座に表現できること、そうしたコミュニケーション能力を高めていくことがこの授業のねらいです。
授業の方法 「英語1」は、ネイティヴ・スピーカーの教員および一部のクラスでは日本人教員が担当します。言語の基本的なメディアである、音声によるコミュニケーションを中心に授業を行います。文字という視覚に頼りがちな傾向を改め、「生きた英語」に触れながら、十分な音声によるコミュニケーションが行える能力を養うよう授業を行います。この授業で最も大切なことは、毎時間、教員の「生きた英語」に接することです。学生諸君の積極的な授業参加が望まれます。臆することなく、積極的に参加すれば、得るものが大きい授業です。
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント In each week, students will work on their vocabulary list, and review the previous week's work. In addition, there will be weekly homework assignments.
1 Introduction to the class, student and teacher introductions.

Preparation: Be ready to talk about yourself. A self-introduction, your hobbies and interestes, etc.
2 Discussion: Transportation
Pros & Cons and asking follow-up questions

Preparation: Think about what is your favorite mode of transportation (car, bicycle, etc), and why you like it.
3 Discussion: Houses and Apartments.
Skills in description - quality, style, quantity
Preparation: Think about your home now. What are the good points about it, and what would you like to improve?
4 Group/Team Discussion: design the perfect house
In this class, teams of students will work together to design the perfect house, and present their ideas to the rest of the class.
Preparation: Review the skills from the previous class.
5 Discussion: Food - Likes, dislikes. Descriptive skills.
Preparation: Think about your favorite food. Why do you like or dislike it?
6 Discussion: Giving instructions - How to cook a dish - Step by step instructions.
Preparation: Think about your favorite dish TO COOK. Something fast, easy, delicious!
7 Discussion: Travel Part 1- The most beautiful place in Japan.
Describing a place
Preparation: Choose a place in Japan that you really like. Why do you like it?
8 Midterm Quiz
Preparation: Review all notes and textbook chapters.
9 Travel Part 2: Travel needs and Dangers
What is needed for a trip? What things do you need to be careful about?
Preparation: Make a list of all the things you would pack for an international trip.
10 Travel Part 3: Making a travel plan with friends
Choosing a destination, making packing lists, making an itinerary.
Preparation: review information from Travel Part 1&2
11 Discussion: Complaints (restaurant/Hotel)
Preparation: Think about a bad experience you have had in a restaurant or hotel, and make notes of the problems.
12 Discussion: Household Chores
What things you need to do at home - negotiating with family members/roommates.
Preparation: Look at chapter 6 of the texbook.
13 Discussion: Technology
Good and bad points, how to use.
Preparation: Make notes on the technology you use most in your life. What are the good points and bad points of it?
14 Group/Team discussion: Design a Technology
Think of a a new technology that people could use. Present your ideas to the class.
Preparation: Review notes from previous week.
15 Semester End Test (Oral)
Preparation: Review all class notes and textbook chapters
教科書 Jack C. Richards 『Interchange 4th Edition Book 2』 Cambridge University Press 2013年 第4版
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(50%)、授業参画度(20%)、Homework Assignments(15%)、Vocabulary Notebook (15%)
オフィスアワー I will be available for questions in the teacher's lounge from 0830-0900 on Fridays
