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英語1 (地理)


英語1 (地理)
教員名 マリッカール,アブドゥル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ The objective of this course for students to improve their ability to understand and communicate using grammatically correct simple and complex sentence structures. These give students the language and skills they need to communicate in a variety of social situations.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to help students to develop their speaking and listening skills. Students will have the opportunity to listen to natural conversation in different situations and can immediately use them to improve listening and speaking abilities in English and to increase confidence in using English to communicate.
授業の方法 In this class, we will brush up our speaking and listening skills through a wide variety of listening practices and communicative activities through the use of audio and video tapes. Class work will consist of individual, group and
pair work activities.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to spend at least an hour per week studying the skill-building exercises given in the textbook and listen to the CD in the textbook.
1 Orientation - Introduction of the teacher and the students. Discussion of the syllabus, guidelines for the classes, distributing handouts
Preparation - Read pages 6-9 in the textbook
2 Unit 1 - Hi, I`m Michiko - listening and practicing the conversation
Preparation - Read pages 10-13
3 Unit 2 - Can I get your telephone number? - listening and practicing the conversation
Preparation - Homework assignment - do the exercises on page 13
4 Unit 2 continued - follow-up exercises
Preparation - Read pages 14-17
5 Unit 3 - What`s the time? - listening and practicing the conversation
Preparation - Homework assignment - think and write a paragraph about your normal school day
6 Unit 3 continued - follow-up exercises
Preparation - Read pages 18-21
7 Unit 4 - Hometowns - matching towns and prefectures, cities and countries, listening and practicing conversation
Preparation - Homework assignment - write a paragraph about your hometown
8 Unit 4 continued - follow-up exercises
Preparation - Read pages 20-25
9 Unit 5 - What`s your favorite food? - food groups, listening and practicing the conversation
Preparation - Homework assignment - do the exercises on page 25
10 Unit 5 continued - skill building exercises
Preparation - Read pages 26-29
11 Unit 6 - How often do you ....? - frequency adverbs, listening and practicing the conversation
Preparation - Do the follow-up exercises
12 Unit 6 continued - follow up activities
Preparation - Review the units studied in this semester to study for the test
13 Final in-class test
14 Summary and Review
Preparation - Prepare comments about the class to be discussed next week
15 Wrap-up and comments about the course by the teacher and the students
教科書 『Getting Into English  (Joseph Cronin and Eric Bray)』 Nan`un-do 2010年
参考書 Please come to class with a positive attitude and you will get the most out of this class.

成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(20%)、授業内テスト(60%)、授業参画度(20%)
Students who are frequently absent or late will not receive credit for the course.
オフィスアワー I will be available before class in the teachers` lounge and after class in the classroom on Mondays.
備考 The above class schedule and speed will be adjusted depending on the students` performance in class.
