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英語学演習1 (3年生用)


英語学演習1 (3年生用)
教員名 キャラカー,リチャード
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Students will become familiar with the influences of culture and society on second language acquisition and English language teaching.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This is a course in sociolinguistics. In other words, students will become familiar with how societies and culture can affect language learning in both positive and negative ways. Another aim of the course is to give students the necessary communication skills to be able to apply the sociolinguist theories, principles in the ELT classroom.
授業の方法 The aspects of sociolinguistics will be introduced through various readings and lectures. Students will then reflect on the material and explore and share their own personal experiences with learning a second language and culture through their writings and discussions. Finally, students will demonstrate their understanding of the material with student led presentations and essays.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students must prepare for each class based on the class schedule outlined in the syllabus.
1 Course Introduction/Self Introduction
2 Three Vs of Communication: Verbal, Vocal and Visual
Preparation: Write Introduction speeches
3 Student presentations
Verbal Message: Being unexpected
4 Verbal Message: Being concrete and organizing the message
Vocal Message: Inflection and pausing
Preparation: Write Job speeches
5 Mehrabian’s research on paralinguistics
Visual message: Gestures, posture and facial expression
Verbal Message: Answering the question WHY
Preparation: Rewrite job speeches
6 Student Presentations
Preparation: Memorize speeches
7 Introduction to Social, Regional and Standard Dialects
Preparation: Read Accent and Identity pages 1-4
8 Regional Dialect Case study
Preparation: Read Accent and Identity pages 4-8
9 Codeswitching and teenage slang
Preparation: Read Codeswitching pages 9-10
10 Dialect/Jargon Presentations
Preparation: Write and memorize dialect speeches
11 Dialect/Jargon Presentations Continued
Preparation: Write and memorize dialect speeches
12 Review presentation skills and Language and Identity
Preparation: Read presentation and Language and Identity handouts
13 Final Exam
14 No Class Independent Study
15 Return exams, speech scores. Teacher evaluations
教科書 None. Handouts. A copy of the text will be made available in the English office. Please copy the text during the first week of class.
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(30%)、Attendance/Participation(15%)、Presentations(55%)
オフィスアワー Office hours: Tuesday 4:30-5:30
