文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 英語圏文学演習1



教員名 チルトン,マイルズ
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業テーマ Studying language through literature in order to develop overall English skills.
授業のねらい・到達目標 By actively engaging in reading, writing, speaking and listening tasks that focus on short stories, students will increase their vocabularies and strengthen their abilities to speak and write about more complex things.
授業の方法 Classes will feature opportunities for students to read, write about, and discuss some well-known American short stories. Students will respond to literary texts through presentations, short writing assignments, or other forms of expression. These responses will solidify knowledge of vocabulary, sentence structure, and style along with the ability to use this knowledge.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to complete all homework assignments according to the syllabus schedule in order to prepare for class.
1 Introduction; “A Day’s Wait,” Ernest Hemingway: A Preparing to read.
Homework: B The story; C Understanding the story.
2 “A Day’s Wait.” Check homework. D Thinking critically.
Homework: Write a dialog between Schatz and the father, for dramatization next class.
3 “A Day’s Wait.” Dialog dramatizations.
“Thank You, Ma’m,” Langston Hughes: A Preparing to read.
Homework: B The story; C Understanding the story.
4 “Thank You, Ma’m.” Check homework. D Thinking critically.
Homework: Writing 1, for dramatization next class.
5 “Thank You, Ma’m.” Dialog dramatizations.
“The Circuit,” Francisco Jimenez: A Preparing to read.
Homework: B The story; C Understanding the story.
6 “The Circuit.” Check homework. D Thinking critically.
Homework: Writing [choose one and write a paragraph], for presentation next class.
7 “The Circuit.” Paragraph presentations.
“The Last Leaf,” O. Henry: A Preparing to read.
Homework: B The story; C Understanding the story.
8 “The Last Leaf.” Check homework. D Thinking critically.
Homework: Writing 5, for presentation next class
9 “The Last Leaf.” Presentations.
10 “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson: A Preparing to read.
Homework: B The story; C Understanding the story.
11 “The Lottery.” Check homework. D Thinking critically.
Homework: Prepare presentations for next class.
12 “The Lottery.” Dramatizations.
Homework: Prepare presentations and final essays.
13 “The Lottery.” Presentations.
Homework: Prepare final essays.
14 no class
15 Review; final essays due
教科書 Judith Kay & Rosemary Gelshenen, Discovering Fiction 2, A Reader of North American Short Stories, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978110762214, 2012
Other class materials wil be provided by the instructor.
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(30%)、homework and class participation(40%)、presentations(30%)
Students who participate actively will succeed in this class. Students who are frequently late or who are absent from four or more classes will not receive credit for this class.
オフィスアワー Monday 16:30-18:00 in my office (7316); or by appointment
