文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > Literature of Japan

Literature of Japan


平成28年度以降入学者 Literature of Japan
平成27年度以前入学者 Literature of Japan
教員名 梅川 純代
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ This course will investigate several Japanese stories which have been affected by Chinese tales. Through the comparative techniques, we attempt to see the similarities and differences in religious, philosophical and social groundings in synonimous stories in two different countries.
授業のねらい・到達目標 It is common to compose literary works as a homage to or by pirating the preceeding works. It is often the case that such continuous evaluation of a motif results in the construction of much better and interesting stories. By examining original and homaged works,we would achieve to the deeper understandings of the literary works.
授業の方法 This lecture will be basically performed in lecture-style. However, some lessons will involve reading and writing works for studesnts. Every Japanese and Chinese literary works dealt during the lesson will be handed out in English. Students should read them before or during the lesson. In addition, some worksheets will also be handed out in order to compare and contrust Chinese and Japanese tales. These sheets should be filled in during the lesson.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students will be requred to do some readings/translation works afterwards.
1 Introduction
2 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 1;
Variation of Urashima Ledgends
3 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 2;
Reading "The Sequel to the Ledgend of Urashimako"
4 Fairy Cave and the Tale of Urashima 3;
Reading "Fairy Cave"
5 The Tale of the Weretiger and The Moon Above the Mountains 1;
Chinese Wierd Stories and "The Tale of the Weretiger"
6 The Tale of the Weretiger and the Moon Above the Mountains 2;
Nakajima Atsushi and "The Moon Above the Mountains"
7 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 1;
The Construction of Tales of Moonlight and Rain by Ueda Akinari
8 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 2;
Reading The Tale of the White Surpent
9 The Tale of the White Surpent and The Lust in the Nature of Snake 3;
Reading The Lust in the Nature of Snake
10 Historical Flow of the Writings on Sexual Art in China
11 Historical Flow of the Writings on Sexual Art in Japan
12 Chinese Manual on Sexual Art and Its Japanese Handbook 1;
Reading Fanhua Liqin
13 Chinese Sex Manual and Its Japanese Handbook 2;
Reading Makura Bunko by Keisai Eisen
14 Revision
15 Evaluation to Manga literature
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(70%)、授業参画度(30%)
オフィスアワー 10:00~10:30 Monday or e-mail to qrmyd952@ybb.ne.jp
