文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 卒業論文



教員名 ロディコ,マウロ
単位数    8 学年    4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 通年 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ The students will write a thesis on a topic of English literature or culture in order to graduate.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To write a 25-30-page graduation thesis in understandable English on any aspect of English literature or culture. The entire defence must be conducted in comprehensible English.
授業の方法 Students will attend class to review the work they accomplished throughout the previous week, to continue it, and be assigned what to do for the following class.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students must research sources for their topic, read them, takes notes, write part of their theses, and edit what they have written every week.
1 Discuss potential topics.
2 Check the topic.
3 Check the thesis statement.
4 Check the outline.
5 Check the introduction to the thesis.
6 Check the introductory paragraph for the first chapter.
7 Check the first body paragraph for the first chapter.
8 Check the second body paragraph for the first chapter.
9 Check the third body paragraph for the first chapter.
10 Check the concluding paragraph for the first chapter.
11 Check the introductory paragraph for the second chapter.
12 Check the first body paragraph for the second chapter.
13 Check the second body paragraph for the second chapter.
14 Check the third body paragraph for the second chapter.
15 Check the concluding paragraph for the second chapter.
16 Check the third chapter.
17 Check the introductory paragraph for the fourth chapter.
18 Check the first body paragraph for the fourth chapter.
19 Check the second body paragraph for the fourth chapter.
20 Check the third body paragraph for the fourth chapter.
21 Check the concluding paragraph for the fourth chapter.
22 Check the conclusion to the thesis.
23 Check the title page, table of contents, and Works Cited list.
24 Check the first draft.
25 Check the second draft.
26 Submit the third draft to the instructor.
27 Check the third draft.
28 Bind and submit the final draft at 7302.
29 Consultations by appointment at 7314
30 Consultations by appointment at 7314
教科書 The books depend on each student's topic.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(13%)、レポート(73%)、授業参画度(14%)
オフィスアワー Wednesdays 3rd period (13:00 - 14:30)
