文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > オーラル英語1



科目名 オーラル英語1
教員名 アームストロングウィリアム
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 To help students gain fluency in basic conversational English and presentations.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to help students develop confidence when speaking and listening to English.

この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5, CP8に対応しています。
授業の方法 Students will speak in pairs or small groups about everyday topics, and build individual presentating skills.
Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 ・同一教員・同一時限で前期と後期を対にして履修すること。
・Only students who are prepared to try to speak in English should take this class.
1 Introduction and course description. First time conversations with people in the group.
Homework: practice words and phrases learned in first class
Bring B5 notebook.
2 First time conversations and developing interaction skills. Unit 1
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
3 Continue first time conversations - Introductions - continuing - finishing. Unit 2 Friends
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
4 Speaking test 1 - Role play. First time conversations.
Review vocabulary from Units 1 and 2.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
5 Vocabulary quiz 1. Unit 5 - A Fantastic weekend.
Role play: Talking about the weekend.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
6 Practice the role play.
Do speaking test 2 - How was your weekend.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
7 Unit 4 - Dating and You.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
8 Unit 10 - I like your personality. Work on presentation - The ideal date
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them..
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
9 Work on presentations the Ideal date and edit.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
10 Speaking test 3 - Presentation - The ideal date.
Review vocabulary from Units 4 and 10.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
11 Vocabulary quiz 2
Giving directions on how to do something using process language - first, next, after that.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
12 Edit processes and build it into a conversation to tell a coworker. Practice the role play.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
13 Reviewing grammar and language use from the role play.
Final Evaluation.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare vocabulary words according to daily theme in B5 notebook.
14 Review listening activities and feedback.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.
Prepare final vocabulary notebooks.
15 Review course contents and feedback.
Homework; choose two questions from classwork and practice writing and speaking them.Let this class be your motivation to make your own English practice.
Check vocabulary notebooks.
教科書 ・前期の初回授業時に受講希望者が定員を超過した場合、人数調整をするので、履修の許可を得るまでは教科書を購入しないこと。
Handouts will be given to students for class work.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(25%)、授業内テスト(25%)、Quizzes(25%)、Vocabulary, Listening and Language usage testing(25%)
Students who are frequently late or absent will not receive credit for this course. Nor will students who constantly speak in Japanese in class.
オフィスアワー Please meet with teacher before or after class.
備考 Please don't be shy. Try to speak in English as much as possible. The more you speak the better you will become. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, as you will learn by them.

Students will have to do some homework. Also, they will be expected to bring a a B-5 notebook and a good dictionary. A plastic folder is recommended to keep handouts in.
