文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > オーラル英語1



科目名 オーラル英語1
教員名 コートニーグレアム
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 The theme of this class is Explaining and Expressing Your Opinion on topics relevant to international society in the twenty-first century.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The course will cover three fields of Explanation and Opinion - Discussion, Public Speaking/Presentation and Debate. The first semester will concentrate on Discussion. You will practice
Summarising and presenting to your classmates a print news or magazine article chosen from the web
Giving your opinion on the article
Initiating a discussion with your classmates by asking questions and responding to the answers
Summarising the discussion

If time permits we shall move to the second aspect of the course, which is Public Speaking/Presentation. You will practice forming clear opinions; conducting research on presentation topics; organising, constructing, supporting and delivering arguments effectively. Please see the オーラル英語 2 syllabus for details.

この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5, CP8に対応しています。
授業の方法 The teacher will provide materials to be discussed in the early part of the semester. After that it will be the responsibility of each discussion group 'leader' to provide his or her own materials chosen from the web.
Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 ・同一教員・同一時限で前期と後期を対にして履修すること。
1 Introduction and methodology
Review materials given and prepare basic discussions vocabulary on the material for following week
2 Review and sharing of homework preparation summary. Class practice of discussion summary. Prepare discussion opinion for following week
3 Review and sharing of homework preparation vocabulary. Class practice of discussion vocabulary. Prepare discussion opinion for following week
4 Review and sharing of homework preparation opinion. Class practice of discussion opinion. Prepare discussion questions for following week
5 Review and sharing of homework preparation questions. Class practice of discussion questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
6 First round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
7 First round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
8 First round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
9 First round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
10 Second round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
11 Second round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
12 Second round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
13 Second round of discussions using prepared summary, opinion and questions. Next week's leaders prepare discussion summary, opinion and questions for following week
14 Review of all discussions. Prepare opinion on which discussion you found most interesting, and why, for following week
15 Review of all discussions. You will be asked which discussion you found the most interesting and what your own opinion is on it.
教科書 None. Handouts will be provided as necessary.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(65%)、授業参画度(35%)
レポート here means your own performance as group discussion leader.

授業参画度 here means your contribution to the discussions being led by your classmates.

In the (highly unlikely) event that we finish Public Speaking/Presentation in the first semester, grades will be recalculated.
オフィスアワー I will be available on Fridays after class in the classroom and, by appointment, during the lunch break in the teachers' lounge
備考 Each student will lead a group discussions of about fifteen minutes (in groups of about four people, depending on the size of the class) one or, if time allows, twice in the semester. You will be given two weeks' notice and will be expected to prepare the discussion fully so that it meets the fifteen-minute time requirement. The other discussion group members will be expected to help the leader by contributing fully to the discussion.
