文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2



科目名 英語2
教員名 ハーディーダレル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 聞く・話すという、音声による英語のコミュニケーション能力を培う。
授業のねらい・到達目標 ・英語を聞いて、おおよその内容を理解できる。

授業の方法 Students are required to complete the pre-class preparation activities in the textbook which should take 30 minutes. Also, after each lesson students should spend an hour reviewing the content of the lesson, especially the grammar focus and word power activities. It is highly recommended that students practice using the grammar from the lesson to form sentences related to their lives and keep a notebook of new vocabulary items encountered in the lesson and from their daily lives.
Students should review the previous lesson and complete the class preparation before class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Unit 7 "What's this for?"
Preparation: exercise 2 p.44, 3 p.46, 5 p.46
Review: grammar focus p.45 and word power p.46
2 Unit 7 continued
Preparation: exercise 8 p. 47, 14 p.49
Review: grammar focus p.47 and reading p.49
3 Unit 8 "Let's celebrate!"
Preparation: exercise 2 p.50, 4 p.51
Review: word power p.50 and grammar focus p.51
4 Unit 8 continued
Preparation: exercise 10 p.54, 13 p.55
Review: grammar focus p.54 and reading p.55
5 Unit 9 "Times have changed!"; Units 7-8 Quiz
Preparation: review units 7-8; exercise 1 p.58, 3 p.59
Review: grammar focus p.59 and word power p.62
6 Unit 9 continued
Preparation: exercise 9 p.61, 13 p.63
Review: grammar focus p.61 and reading p.63
7 Unit 10 "I hate working on weekends"
Preparation: exercise 3 p.65, 5 p.66
Review: grammar focus p.65 and word power p.67
8 Unit 10 continued
Preparation: exercise 8 p.67, 10 p.68, 12 p.69
Review: grammar focus p.68 and reading p.69
9 Unit 11 "It's really worth seeing"; Unit 9-10 Quiz
Preparation: review units 9-10; exercise 3 p.73, 7 p.74
Review: grammar focus p.73 and word power p.74
10 Unit 11 continued
Preparation: exercise 9 p.75, 13 p.77
Review: grammar focus p.75 and reading p.77
11 Unit 12 "What happened?"
Preparation: exercise 3 p.79, 5 p.80
Review: grammar focus p.79 and word power p.80
12 Unit 12 continued
Preparation: exercise 8 p.81, 12 p.83
Review: grammar focus p.81 and reading p.83
13 Units 11-12 Quiz; Preparation for speaking test
Preparation: review units 11-12
Review: memorize and practice role for speaking test
14 End of term speaking test and test review
Preparation: practice role for speaking test
Review: Prepare a mini presentation based on one of the topics units 7-12
15 Mini presentations and discussion
Preparation: prepare a mini presentation on one of the topics units 7-12
Review: review all previous classwork and textbook
教科書 Jack C. Richards, Interchange Fourth Edition Student's Book 2:Interchange, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 4 edition
Students must buy the course textbook and bring it to every class
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(40%)、授業内テスト(40%)、Speaking Test(20%)
Student participation will be measured by role plays and discussions in each class.
オフィスアワー I will be available before class and after class in the classroom.
