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科目名 英語1
教員名 ベデロサイモン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This class is for students who have an intermediate or upper-intermediate level of English competency. The primary aim is to strengthen students’ communication ability through pre-made samples of role-play, vocabulary building activities and short speech-making sessions. Class activities are conducted in a manner that helps connect the themes of the textbook with students’ daily environment.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Able to formulate questions and to give answers in English correctly
Able to introduce themselves in a more professional manner;
Able to converse in English about matters of daily interest such as school life, family and friends;
Able to give short, yet structured speeches that have an opening, development and closing;
Able to express personal views on issues that include lifestyles and preferences;

授業の方法 The course uses a step-by-step method. Some of the individual units of the textbook are completed within two class sessions. Speaking activities are done in pairs or in small groups. Speech sessions mirror the themes and the language patterns of the textbook. They allow students to review and to reinforce the target skills that are being learned. During these speech sessions, the audience is given a structured excel table to record some of key elements mentioned by the speaker.
Students spend up to 60 minutes per week for preparation and review homework.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Guidance, Basic Strategies for Asking and Answering Questions in English
[Preparation] Print and preview the class syllabus
[Review] Read the text “Alice: From Song and Sea to Business” provided by the instructor and answer the given questions
2 Classroom Clues (pp. 7-10): Students work on useful expressions needed to communicate with each other in a classroom environment)
[Preparation] Read section ‘B1’ of page 7 and section ‘B2’ of page 8
[Review] Do the exercise of section ‘C’ on page 8
3 First Speech Practice (Each student gives a short speech to talk about childhood, activities in high school and plans for the future).
[Preparation] Write a script for self-introduction using the template provided in the previous class session by the instructor
[Review] Do the exercise of section ‘G’ on page 11
4 School Life (pp. 13-17): Learning how to talk about schedule and preferences
[Preparation] Check the Japanese meaning of the words in the vocabulary sections of page 15 and 17.
[Review] Answer the questions of section ‘D’ on page 15 and section ‘I’ on page 17.
5 Family Fortunes (pp. 19-22): Practicing how to describe family relations
[Preparation] Match the expressions to their meanings as given in the vocabulary section of page 20.
[Review] Do the exercise of section ‘E’ on page 21.
6 First Progress Review Test, Commentary and Feedback
[Preparation] All vocabulary and language patterns of units 1, 2 and 3 as designated by the instructor
[Review] Re-do the exercises in sections ‘C’ (page 8); ‘D’ (page 15); and ‘E’ (page 21)
7 The Art of Standard Speech-making (Acquiring the basics of standard speech-making)
[Preparation] Read carefully the handout given by the instructor on week-6
[Review] Complete the table in the handout given by the instructor
8 Second Speech Practice (Me, My Family and My Study) Students make speeches utilizing the language patterns learned in units 1, 2 and 3
[Preparation] Make the outline of the speech as studied in class
[Review] Answer the questions in the ‘Evaluation Sheet’ given by the instructor during the speech session
9 Talk of the Town (1)/'Describing Neighborhood' (pp. 25-27): Learning how to use comparative expressions
[Preparation] In about 60-80 words say whether you prefer to live in a small town or a big city!
[Review] Do the section ‘Check Your English’ on page 27
10 Talk of the Town (2)/'Dream Life' (pp. 27-28): Learning how to use Real and Unreal Conditionals
[Preparation] Fill in the blanks found in the vocabulary section of page 27
[Review] In about 80-100 words, write about the case in which you were not a student of Nihon University
11 Asking and Giving Directions (p. 29): Strategies for asking and giving directions
[Preparation] Make a road map from your home till the nearest station
[Review] Re-do the exercises of section ‘B’ on page 25
12 Friends Forever (pp. 31-35): Practicing how to describe appearances and personalities
[Preparation] Check the Japanese meaning of the words in vocabulary-3 section on page 32
[Review] Do the section ‘Check Your English’ on page 34
13 Second Progress Review Test, Commentary and Feedback
[Preparation] All vocabulary and language patterns of units 4 and 5 as designated by the instructor
[Review] Re-do the exercises in sections ‘E’ of both page 28 and page 33
14 Third Speech Practice (Me and My Surroundings) Students make speeches utilizing the language patterns learned in units 4 and 5
[Preparation] Make the outline of the speech as studied in week-7
[Review] Answer the questions in the ‘Evaluation Sheet’ given by the instructor during the speech session
15 Final Exam, Commentary, Feedback, and Overall Summary
[Preparation] All vocabulary and language patterns from Unit 1 to Unit 5 as designated by the instructor
[Review] Reviewing all questions which seemed difficult during the test
教科書 Sheila Cliffe 『Within Your Reach: Keys to Conversation』 NAN'UNDO 2004年
This textbook will be used for the entire academic year. Half the book will be studied in the first term and the remaining in the second term.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(10%)、授業内テスト(20%)、授業参画度(10%)、Two progress review tests(30%)、Three speech practices(30%)
Report is measured by the two written assignments given on week 9 and 10.
In-class examination is measured by a term-end exam in the 15th week of the semester.
Participation is measured by two after-speech assignments given on week 8 and 14.
オフィスアワー Saturdays 12:30-12:55 at the teachers’ room. Students are also welcomed to send an email anytime. The mail address will be released in the first class.
備考 Students should refrain from using telephones during classes.
