文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1



科目名 英語1
教員名 ヨッフェレオニード
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 A speaking-listening English course for intermediate-level students. The focus of the course will be to provide the students with the vocabulary and practice necessary to express their opinion beyond simple conversation. Students will have opportunities to read about a number of issues which affect Japan and our global community, conduct limited independent research, and articulate their thoughts in groups as well as through presentations delivered in front of the class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The key objective of this class is to enhance students' communicative abilities in English. By the end of this course students should be able to:

1. articulate their opinion in English on the global issues studied during the semester, including: the effects of advertising in our society; inequality; population decline.
2. ask and answer simple questions based on the readings assigned in class, using appropriate syntax and vocabulary.
3. create original sentences using vocabulary introduced in class.
4. understand short and medium-length texts dealing with a specific range of topics covered in class

授業の方法 The following activities will be done in class:

1. role-plays in pairs to practice information exchange
2. discussions in groups on pre-assigned topics
3. three short speeches (using outline) on specific topics studied in class. Presentations will be 3-5 minutes in length.
4. two vocabulary quizzes throughout the semester
5. regular reading exercises to expand students' vocabulary

The class will be conducted in English and students will be expected to engage actively in all activities. Homework will be assigned for every class and students have to come to class with completed homework. Preparation for each class will require on average 1.5 - 2h.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Orientation and explanation of the course structure, evaluation and instructor's expectations.
Short self-introduction
Homework for class 2:
1. p. 1. Prepare 5-sentence answers to questions 2 and 3.
pp. 2 -3
2 Unit 1 The Effects of Advertising
New vocabulary
Brainstorming: Positive and negative effects of advertising
Homework for class 3:
1. p. 4 reading. Identify new vocabulary
pp. 4-5
3 Unit 1 (cont'd)
p. 7; ex. B & C
Explanation about short speech structure
Homework for class 4
1. Prepare for in-class short speeches
Speech outline and examples
4 Short speech (1). 3 minutes
Unit 7: Online Advertising: Making Our Lives Better
Homework for class 5:
1. p. 49; prepare a 7-8 sentence answer to questions 2 & 3.
2. p. 50; ex. 1
- speech 1 performance (reflection in writing)
- vocabulary of Unit 1
5 Unit 7 (cont'd)
Feedback on speech (1)
Vocabulary quiz (1)
Homework review
Homework for class 6:
1. Prepare for in-class discussion based on guidelines
pp. 52-53
6 In class-discussion
Review vocabulary quiz
Unit 2: Extreme Sports
Homework for class 7:
1. prepare 7-8 sentence answers to questions 2 & 3 (p. 9)
pp. 10-12
7 Unit 2: cont'd
Vocabulary review:
Homework for class 8:
1. Prepare for in-class short speeches (topic to be announced)
Unit 2: pp 13 - 15
8 Short speech (2). 3 minutes
Homework for class 9:
1. Unit 8: pp 58; 60 reading; p. 59 ex. B & c
- speech 2 performance (reflection in writing)
- vocabulary of Unit 2
9 Feedback on speech (2)
Unit 8: vocabulary review
Brainstorming: Drugs in Sports
Homework for class 10:
1. Prepare for an in-class discussion (topic to be assigned)
2. Prepare for vocabulary quiz (2)
pp. 58 - 63
10 Vocabulary quiz (2)
Discussion in groups on assigned question
Homework for class 11
1. Unit 3, p. 17, questions 2 & 3 (independent research)
Unit 8
11 Vocabulary quiz review
Brainstorming: what are the causes and effects of population decline in Japan?
article provided in class
Homework for class 12:
1. Independent research: find information about ageing in other countries / what are some of the solutions? (prepare an example and make a one-minute statement)
pp. 18 - 19
12 Discussion: How do governments tackle population decline?
Vocabulary review
Homework for class 13:
1. Prepare for speech 3 on ageing (5 min) following guidelines
article (tbc) vocabulary
pp. 20-21
13 Speech 3 (group 1)
Homework for class 14:
Speech 3 performance (in writing)
14 Speech 3 (group 2)
Homework for class 15:
1. Reflection on speech 3 (in writing)
Own progress and future improvement
pp. 68 - 71
15 Feedback on Speech 3
Students to deliver comments on what specific English skills they have improved and which ones require more work based on their own performance and observation of others in the class.
Units 3 & 9
教科書 Brown, Charles; Mulligan, Brent; Phillips, Joseph, In Focus 1, Cambridge University Press, 2014
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(15%)、授業参画度(15%)、Vocabulary quizzes (20%)、Presentations and short speeches(50%)
Additional information about grading policy will be provided in the first class of the semester.
Students' classroom engagement will be assessed by evaluating their contribution to discussions three times in the course of the semester according to the criteria presented in class.
Two vocabulary quizzes will be conducted during the semester.
オフィスアワー I will be available in the Teachers' Lounge every Friday 12:15 - 13:00
