文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2



科目名 英語2
教員名 ソーントンティム
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 The aim of the course is for you to build on your existing knowledge and increase your confidence so that you can express your opinions and talk about your ideas in English. The schedule may vary based on progress through the text books and student interests.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Throughout the course you should be able to increase your vocabulary, construct sentences to express your ideas, ask questions and respond to the opinions of others. Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class, this may vary from week to week depending on the task.

授業の方法 The textbook, Communication Strategies has 15 units which cover vocabulary and language patterns for a variety of interesting and useful topics. Classes include reading, writing and listening with a focus on verbal communication. In addition to the textbook, you will have the opportunity to work in groups to research and create your own presentations.
Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Topic: An introduction to the course and to each other.

Preparation: Prepare a short self-introduction, include some of your personal interests and why you chose to study your major subject.
Review: After listening to introductions from the rest of the class, how would you like to improve your self-introduction?
2 "Topic: Communication Spotlight, Unit 1, Friends. Learning vocabulary related to relationships. Create a mind-map about friendships.

Preparation: Research ‘mind-maps’ so that you can tell me something about them next week.
Review: Make full sentences based on the mind-map you made to read in the next class."
3 "Topic: Unit 1, Friends. Expressing your own opinions and asking questions of others.

Preparation: Review the ‘Personalization’ section on page 10
Review: Complete the ‘Building Vocabulary’ section on page 13."
4 "Topic: Unit 2, Free Time. Group discussion about free time.

Preparation: Complete the sentence "I don't have time to...."
Review: Review the ‘vocabulary’ section on page 14 and think of five more words or phrases that might be useful when we talk about free time."
5 "Topic: Unit 2, Free Time. Completing sentences with your own ideas and contrasting positive and negative issues.

Preparation: Look at the 'Speeches' section on page 18 and prepare a short speech on one of the three topics.
Review: Practice reading your sentences from class aloud."
6 "Topic: Unit 3, The Past. Vocabulary and sentences related to childhood.

Preparation: Review the ‘Warm-up Questions’ on page 20 so that you can ask and answer the questions.
Review: Read ‘Points of View’ on page 21."
7 "Topic: Unit 3, The Past. Opinions about childhood, using ‘It sounds/seems/looks like...’ to respond in conversation.

Preparation: Review the ‘Discussion Strategies’ on page 22
Review: How would you tell the story of Tanabata in English?"
8 "Story Telling, Week 1 of a group project. Composing a story and using language and other media to communicate.

Preparation: Research vocabulary for different types of story and the elements that make a good story.
Review: Read and edit your group’s notes taken in class."
9 "Story Telling, Week 2. Writing scripts.

Preparation: Make sure that you can communicate (by email or Line group or similar) with your group so that you can work together on your story.
Review: Refine your scripts during the week."
10 "Story Telling, Week 3. Preparation and production of media, practice for story-telling presentations.

Preparation: Collect or make media to bring to class.
Review: Practice reading your story aloud."
11 "Story Telling, Week 4. Story-telling presentations.

Preparation: Practice reading your story with accompanying media.
Review: Think about the stories you heard in class. Which ones did you like the best and why?"
12 "Topic: Unit 5, Work. Ideal jobs.

Preparation: Review the vocabulary in the green box on page 32.
Review: Read the mind-map you made in class and write some sentences."
13 "Unit 5, Work. Job interviews.

Preparation: Read the ‘Follow-up Questions’ section on page 35.
Review: Complete the ‘building vocabulary’ section on page 37."
14 "Class test and review.

Preparation: Choose two of the topics discussed in units 1, 2, 3 & 5 to write about in the test.
Review: Think of three more questions that you would like to add to the test."
15 "Return and review of the test papers.

Preparation: Prepare to talk about your plans for the Summer and a prediction about how you think the holiday might be.
Review: Read through your answers to the test."
教科書 David Paul, Communication Strategies 1:Communication Strategies, CENGAGE Learning, 2008
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(20%)、授業参画度(40%)、プレゼンテーション(40%)
Classwork will be assessed based on your ability to make good use of the textbook contribution during group projects/presentations and communication with your fellow students. In-class examinations will be measured by a term-end exam.
Students’ participation will be measured by attitude.
オフィスアワー 火曜日 4限 ー 5限
