文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2



科目名 英語2
教員名 ウィリアムズケネス
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This class will allow students to improve their listing (aural), speaking (oral) and thinking (cognitive) skills in English through the use of everyday concepts like self introductions and asking for and giving information in various settings. The goal of improving Students English skills in communication will be accomplished by one on one and group conversations.
授業のねらい・到達目標 By the end of this course students shall be able to accomplish the following task.

They shall be able to start a conversation ask for information or answer respond to individuals when asked questions.

Students will be able to accomplish the above tasks in a variety of settings to include, crossing borders, at home, at a park, at school, at work and shopping to name a few places.

Students will also be able to converse appropriately with friends, colleagues, superiors and others.

授業の方法 Short warm up conversations will be presented from a CD and visually. Next students will repeat the conversation. The teacher will answer any of the students questions. Then students will do the conversation with a partner.

A listening task is next and will help focus on particular language points to be practiced.

It will take students a least one (1] hour to complete preparation and homework for each class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Go over goals for this class
Explain grading and answer any questions

【事前学習】Read through the syllabus

【事後学習】Get a textbook and take a glance of it
2 Can you speak English – Various settings (pp5 -10)

【事前学習】look at page 10. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 10.
3 That's personal – Giving private information (pp11 – 15)

【事前学習】look at page 15. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 15.
4 Time to learn – Discussing time and date (pp 16 – 21)

【事前学習】look at page 21. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 21.
5 Day to day – Your daily routine (pp 22 - 26)

【事前学習】look at page 26. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 2
6 Say that again – Review (pp 27 - 31)

【事前学習】look at page chapter 5.

【事後学習】do homework page 31.
7 Where does it go – Location and moving things (pp 32 – 37)

【事前学習】look at page 37. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 37.
8 It’s that way – Giving and understanding directions (pp 38 – 42)

【事前学習】look at page 42. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 42.
9 Test – first half of book and feedback

【事前学習】Review p5-p42

【事後学習】Look over questions
10 All dressed up – talking about people (pp 43 – 47)

【事前学習】look at page 47. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 47.
11 Family Portrait – Describing people (pp48 – 54)

【事前学習】look at page 54. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 54.
12 Say that again – Review (pp 55 – 60)

【事前学習】look at page 60 Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 60.
13 Test all that was studied and feedback

【事前学習】Review p5-p60

【事後学習】Look over questions
14 Like it or not – Likes and dislikes (pp 61 – 65)

【事前学習】look at page 65. Language focus

【事後学習】do homework page 65.
15 About tomorrow – The future (pp 66 - 70

【事前学習】Look at page 70. Language focus

【事後学習】Review page 70
教科書 Wilson & Barnard, FIFTY-FIRTY intro Third Edition, Pearson, 2007, 3 edition
Wilson & Barnard, FIFTY-FIRTY BOOK ONE Third Edition, Pearson, 2007, 3 edition
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(50%)、授業参画度(25%)、Quiz(25%)
Students' participation will be measured by presentation of recent dyad or perhaps group conversations at least two times in each semester.

Short in-class examinations will be given after every chapter and two major quizzes will be given at the mid term and end of the end of the semester.
オフィスアワー After every class
