科目名 | 英語2 | ||||
教員名 | イチムラミッシェル | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 1 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 外国語科目 | ||||
学期 | 後期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業概要 | 「生きた」英語によるコミュニケーションにフォーカスを当てる。新聞や雑誌、オンライン記事といったマテリアルを随時使用し、海外の社会、政治、経済、教育など特にその時に話題となっている時事ニュースを読むことを通じて、クリティカルシンキング、意見、討論、要約、アイデアの創出を英語で行う。毎時授業で取り扱う記事についてレポートの作成を求める。各回の具体的なトピックについては担当者がその週の話題となるトピックに関する記事を選定し、授業内でクリティカルシンキング、意見、討論、要約、アイデアの創出をロールモデルとして実施しその方法を提示する。 |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | Course Objectives: 1-Able to develop Listening, Writing, and Speaking Skills 2-Able to Able to develop Critical and Creative Thinking 3-Able to learn about Current Events Topics Concerning Japan's Social, Political, and Economic Outlook, as well as Topics Related to Learning Theory, Brain Science, and Global Affairs. この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5,CP8に対応しています。 |
授業の方法 | 演習方式 Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class. |
履修条件 | ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。 ②英語習熟度別クラス分けテスト未受験の者は、外国語教育センターで振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。振り分けられたクラス以外での履修はできません。 ③「英語1」(前期)と「英語2」(後期)は同一教員による同一時限のクラスを履修すること。 ④卒業に必要な外国語科目として「英語」を選択した場合、必ずこの科目を履修すること。 |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Article 15 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
2 |
Article 16 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give ideas on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
3 |
Article 17 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give insights on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
4 |
Article 18 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give recommendation on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
5 |
Article 19 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give advice on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
6 |
Article 20 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give formulas on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
7 |
Article 21 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give opinions on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
8 |
Article 22 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give critics on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
9 |
Article 23 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students generate ideas to solve the situation on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
10 |
Article 24 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give an explanation on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
11 |
Article 25 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students integrate ideas on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
12 |
Article 26 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students exchange ideas with others on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
13 |
Article 27 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give a summary on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
14 |
Article 28 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students compare articles written about the same topics on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
15 |
Article 29 and Cotinue Discussions from First Semester Using Current Event Topics Related to Criical and Creative Thinking, Brain Science, Intellectual Development, and Japan's Socio-Political Affairs Students give a evaluation to others'analysis on current event topics. Preparation: Looking for an article you are interested in and compare with the same topics among several newspapers,internet articles, and magazines Homework: Essay for the topic you discussed in the class |
その他 | |
教科書 | 教科書使用せず。 |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | レポート(50%)、授業参画度(50%) Student participation will be assessed by their demonstration of the speaking techniques covered in class. |
オフィスアワー | After Class, During Lunch Period, or Other Times Most Convenient to Student and Instructor |