文理学部シラバスTOP > 大学院博士前期課程 > 社会学専攻 > 社会学実証基礎研究3



科目名 社会学実証基礎研究3
教員名 菅野剛
単位数    2 課程 前期課程 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 社会学専攻
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業概要 - Introduction to Programming and Data Science
授業のねらい・到達目標 - We are facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The times have changed outside the class. Worth learning is the STEAM not in the class.
- Learn Data Science the hard way. Learn Data Science by oneself. You will need several other courses on social survey, statistics, data analysis, programming, machine learning, and AI elsewhere.
- Introduction to research with data science: statistics, programming, and data analysis.

- Report of the Central Council for Education

- Coucil for Science, Technology and Innovation
授業の方法 https://sites.google.com/a/nihon-u.ac.jp/sugano-lab/home/google-classroom

- Preparation for class by reading textbooks and by learning online resources beforehand is required.
- Discuss about the topics and applied data analysis during the class.
- Programming and analyses are provided as pre-course work and homework.
- NU-MailG accounts and joining to Google Classroom are required.
- BYOD: Bring your own device.
- We do not provide support for the Windows operating system due to shortage of human resource.
- Courses are to be closed upon no registration.
1 【授業内容】 Classroom: Notification of NU-AppsG accounts, password reminder settings, Password settings, explanation of Google Classroom, joining a class, Google Colaboratory, Python, Introduction to Programming and Data Science.
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Introduction to Programming and Data Science
【事後学習】 Homework: Introduction to Programming and Data Science
2 【授業内容】 Classroom: Introduction to Python, Google Colaboratory
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Introduction to Python
【事後学習】 Homework: Introduction to Python
3 【授業内容】 Classroom: Core Elements of Programs, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course: Core Elements of Programs
【事後学習】 Homework: Core Elements of Programs
4 【授業内容】 Classroom: Simple Algorithms, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Simple Algorithms
【事後学習】 Homework: Simple Algorithms
5 【授業内容】 Classroom: Functions, scoping, and abstraction, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Functions
【事後学習】 Homework: Functions
6 【授業内容】 Classroom: Tuples and Lists, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Tuples and Lists
【事後学習】 Homework: Tuples and Lists
7 【授業内容】 Classroom: Dictionaries, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Dictionaries
【事後学習】 Homework: Dictionaries
8 【授業内容】 Classroom: Testing and Debugging, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Testing and Debugging
【事後学習】 Homework: Testing and Debugging
9 【授業内容】 Classroom: Exceptions and Assertions, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Exceptions and Assertions
【事後学習】 Homework: Exceptions and Assertions
10 【授業内容】 Classroom: Classes and object-oriented programming, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Classes and Inheritance
【事後学習】 Homework: Classes and Inheritance
11 【授業内容】 Classroom: An Extended Example, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: An Extended Example
【事後学習】 Homework: An Extended Example
12 【授業内容】 Classroom: Computational Complexity, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Computational Complexity
【事後学習】 Homework: Computational Complexity
13 【授業内容】 Classroom: Some simple algorithms and data structures, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Searching and Sorting Algorithms
【事後学習】 Homework: Searching and Sorting Algorithms
14 【授業内容】 Classroom: Plotting and more about classes, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Plotting
【事後学習】 Homework: Plotting
15 【授業内容】 Classroom: Programming and Data Science, Google Colaboratory, Python
【事前学習】 Pre-course work: Programming and Data Science
【事後学習】 Homework: Programming and Data Science
教科書 使用しない
参考書 John V. Guttag, Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python: With Application to Understanding Data., The MIT Press, 2016, 2 edition
ジョン・V. グッターグ (著), 久保 幹雄 (翻訳) 『世界標準MIT教科書 Python言語によるプログラミングイントロダクション第2版: データサイエンスとアプリケーション』 近代科学社 2017年 第2版
- Textbooks are optional.
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業参画度(100%)
- Self-directedness and Intellectual flexibility.
オフィスアワー - Appointment times will generally be available after the class. Ask any questions at any time on Google Classroom.
