文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2(ドイツ文・地球科学)



令和元年度入学者 英語2(ドイツ文・地球科学)
教員名 プストゥルカジョン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This course is a conversational course designed specifically for first-year college students. Increasing their functional ability to communicate in English is the objective of this course. The course will feature a wide range of interesting activities that encourage student interaction. Pair work will be the main focus. Short video watching every week.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Able to satisfy the requirements of basic communicative exchanges. Able to understand some paragraph-length utterances. Listening tasks will be based on face-to-face conversations.

授業の方法 There are 4 units per term. Each unit includes a varied set of activities for speaking, listening and language exchange.

Students should spend 1 hour preparing for each class. This includes the homework.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Welcome back. Summer Time conversations.
(Preparation) Be ready to talk about your Summer Vacation
(Review) Think about what other students said today
2 Unit 5 - Visiting the Doctor (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Dialog and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the dialog again
3 Unit 6 - Ordering in a Restaurant (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Dialog and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the dialog again
4 Unit 7 - Taking Public Transportation (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Dialog and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the dialog again
5 Review of all units (Units 5 - 7)
(Preparation) Look at the Dialogs and ready to practice them
(Review) Study the Dialogs again
6 Oral Test (Dialog based on one of the previous units) and test review
(Preparation) Find a partner, select a dialog and practice it with your partner
(Review) Discuss your performance with your partner
7 Unit 8 - Going to the Shopping Mall (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Dialog and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the dialog again
8 Unit 5 (Reading) (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Reading (Part 4) and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the Reading part again
9 Unit 6 (Reading) (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Reading (Part 4) and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the Reading part again
10 Unit 7 (Reading) (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Reading (Part 4) and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the Reading part again
11 Unit 8 (Reading) (Short video watching)
(Preparation) Look at the Reading (Part 4) and get ready for some dictation
(Review) Study the Reading part again
12 Movie Day Part 1 - Scenes from selected movies; class observation/comments and pair discussion
(Preparation) Get ready to listen a lot of English and try to understand what is being said in the movie scenes
(Review) Think about what you saw today
13 Movie Day Part 2 - Scenes from selected movies; class observation/comments and pair discussion
(Preparation) Get ready to listen a lot of English and try to understand what is being said in the movie scenes
(Review) Think about what you saw today
14 Movie Day Part 3 - Scenes from selected movies; class observation/comments and pair discussion
(Preparation) Get ready to listen a lot of English and try to understand what is being said in the movie scenes
(Review) Think about what you saw today
15 Movie Day Part 4 - Scenes from selected movies; class observation/comments and pair discussion
(Preparation) Get ready to listen a lot of English and try to understand what is being said in the movie scenes; get ready to give some comments about the movie
(Review) Think about what you saw today
教科書 Robert M. Baxter, David Blanken and John R. Pustulka, English on the Move:English on the Move, AFJ Co. (03-6303-7481), 2019, ? edition
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(50%)、授業参画度(50%)
Students' participation will be measured by active participation in each class and a mid-term speaking test.
オフィスアワー After each class in the classroom
