文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > Advanced Communication 2

Advanced Communication 2


Advanced Communication 2
教員名 フランク スピガニシー
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業概要 This class is designed for upper-intermediate to advanced learners of English who wish to engage in lively and spirited debate and discussion about engaging topics of the modern world. Building on the language skills that the students already have, the class will balance everyday topics with more controversial and/or pressing issues. As well as language skills, the students will be exposed to a wide arrange of currents events that will enrich their understanding of the world we live in. Language skills practiced will include giving options, disagreeing, changing the subject and offering alternative suggestions/points of view.
授業のねらい・到達目標 - Able to discuss topics of the day with confidence and assurance.

- Able to engage in lively debate with both close relations and relative strangers.

- Able to use common speech patterns most often used by native speakers.

- Can have a wider arsenal of idioms and more colloquial expressions.

- Able to be comfortable in an international setting discussing serious topics.

- Can be more confident overall in their English language speaking ability.

授業の方法 Class time will be spent to enable students to learn to give their opinions on a broad number of issues. While there will be a great deal of conversation, there will also be time spent reading about the assignment tops as well as watching news clips and listening to classroom audio that also deal with the topics. Students will speak in pairs or in groups ranging from three to six students. Cooperation and congeniality are a plus in such situations. In general, we will cover roughly one textbook unit per class. However, thee will also be recent current event topics presented to keep the conversation extra fresh. Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
1 Welcome and review test
School holiday discussion
Prepare free topic for next week
2 Free topic
Discuss free topic with prepared questions and answers
Preview next week's unit (11)
3 Unit 11 : Workplace harassment
Prepare short presentation on workplace trouble
Research foreigners living in Japan and Japanese living overseas
4 Unit 12 : The expatriate experience
Prepare questions for common living overseas dilemmas
Research major corporations in the world currently in the news
5 Unit 13: Career paths
Check career guided conversation questions
Research immigration policies in Japan. Check next unit
6 Unit 14: Immigrant rights
Present findings on immigration
Prepare short presentation on smartphone habits
7 Unit 15 : Gadgets in our lives
Talk about how technology impacts our lives
Prepare short speech on mother or a grandmother or great-grandmother
8 Unit 16 : Women in society
Give brief speech in small groups
Review units 11 through 16 for homework
9 Review lesson
Be prepared to answer questions about the previous lessons
Preview assigned newlywed couples conversation sheet
10 Unit 17 :Compromises
Go over assigned relationship questions
Research a world conflict currently taking place
11 Unit 18 : War & Peace
Discuss current conflicts and how they came to be
Check next unit and prepare questions
12 Unit 19 : Cyber-Stalking
Ask questions about constitutes stalking in society today
Preview next unit and check all vocabulary
13 Unit 20: Familial conflict
Discuss troubles that may arise in our families
Review the previous units and prepare conversation questions
14 Review and test preview
Present review questions in small groups
Preview the final and ask and pertinent questions
15 Final test and commentary
Explanation of procedures, take the test
Finish class, final questions, general wrap-up
教科書 『Impact Issues 3 : (New Edition) (Pearson Longman)』
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(20%)、授業内テスト(20%)、授業参画度(30%)、Small quizzes (15%)、Class presentation (15%)
Student's participation will be measured by in-class speaking activities, doing the home work and being prepared for each lesson.

In-class examination will be measured by final scores on tests/exams.

オフィスアワー Friday

from 420pm onward
