令和元年度入学者 | 英語2(地理) | ||||
教員名 | マリッカールアブドゥル | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 1 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 外国語科目 | ||||
学期 | 後期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業概要 | As this class is a continuation of English 1, students will continue to concentrate on developing the skills acquired in the first semester using the same textbook. Emphasis will be placed on developing their speaking skills in the form of communicative activities, where they will be required to practice with their partners and in groups. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | The course aims to equip students with the communicative skills they need to feel comfortable speaking and listening to English in a variety of situations. Students will participate in activities designed to improve their reading and listening comprehension. この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP2,DP4,DP5及びカリキュラムポリシーCP5,CP8に対応しています。 |
授業の方法 | Students will read and understand the inspirational stories in the textbook and do the follow up exercises using audio and video tapes. Class work will consist of individual, pair and group activities. Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class. |
履修条件 | ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。 ②英語習熟度別クラス分けテスト未受験の者は、外国語教育センターで振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。振り分けられたクラス以外での履修はできません。 ③「英語1」(前期)と「英語2」(後期)は同一教員による同一時限のクラスを履修すること。 ④卒業に必要な外国語科目として「英語」を選択した場合、必ずこの科目を履修すること。 |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Students write about their summer vacation and present it to the class. Question and answer sessions. 【事前学習】Preparation - Students will read the passage of Chapter 7 on page 30. 【事後学習】Students will complete writing about their summer vacation. |
2 |
Chapter 7 - A War Photo Changed a Vietnamese Girl's Future - background quiz, reading passage, vocabulary build up and reading comprehension. 【事前学習】Preparation - Do word forms on page 31. 【事後学習】Summarize the key points studied in the reading passage. |
3 |
Chapter 7 continued - story line reproduction, utilizing useful words and phrases, listen to the recording and fill in the blanks of the dialog and practice it. 【事前学習】Preparation - Reading passage on page 34. 【事後学習】Read the reading passage on page 34. |
4 |
Chapter 8 - Time Waits for Nobody - background quiz, reading the passage, vocabulary build up, reading comprehension. 【事前学習】Preparation - Do word forms on page 35. 【事後学習】Do the exercises on story line reproduction on page 36. |
5 |
Chapter 8 continued - utilizing useful words and phrases, dialog completion and practice. 【事前学習】Preparation - Read the passage on page 38. 【事後学習】Read the reading passage on page 38. |
6 |
Chapter 9 - Argentina's Beloved First Lady - background quiz, reading passage and comprehension, vocabulary build up. 【事前学習】Preparation - Do word forms on page 39. 【事後学習】Do the exercise story line reproduction on page 40. |
7 |
Chapter 9 continued - story line reproduction,utilizing useful words and phrases, dialog completion and practice. 【事前学習】Preparation - Read the passage on page 42. 【事後学習】Prepare to answer questions on the background quiz on page 42. |
8 |
Chapter 10 - An Act of Compassion amid Devastation - background quiz, reading passage, vocabulary build up, reading comprehension. 【事前学習】Preparation - Do story line reproduction on page 44. 【事後学習】Do the exercises on utilizing useful words and phrases on page 44. |
9 |
Chapter 10 continued - dialog completion and practice. 【事前学習】Review Chapter 10 and look up unfamiliar vocabulary. 【事後学習】Read the review about the movie to be watched next week. |
10 |
Watch a movie and write a review about the movie. 【事前学習】Preparation - Completion of review about the movie. 【事後学習】Find the name of movies with similar themes. |
11 |
Present the review to class. Question and answer session. 【事前学習】Preparation - Read passage on page 46. 【事後学習】Read chapter 11 on page 46. |
12 |
Chapter 11 - Fighting for Women's Education - background quiz, reading passage and comprehension questions. 【事前学習】 Search the Internet to find information about Malala Yousafzai. 【事後学習】Answer the word form exercise on page 47. |
13 |
Chapter 11 continued - utilizing useful words and phrases, dialog completion and practice. 【事前学習】Preparation - read passage on page 50. 【事後学習】Find the difficult words in the reading passage. |
14 |
Chapter 12 - The Founding Father of Apple - background quiz, reading passage, vocabulary build up and reading comprehension. 【事前学習】Review units covered in the fall semester. 【事後学習】Prepare the questions for clarification from the teacher and prepare for the test. |
15 |
Wrap up and review, final test. 【事前学習】Feedback on the class. 【事後学習】Express opinion about the class and the textbook. |
その他 | |
教科書 | Masayuki Aoki and Peter Williams 『Inspirational Stories from Around the World (Inspirational Stories from Around the World)』 Nan'un-do 2016年 第2000版 Bring an English-English Dictionary and a notebook to class. |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | 授業内テスト(80%)、授業参画度(20%) Students’ participation will be measured by attitude. |
オフィスアワー | Please come to the teacher's lounge before class or speak to me after class in the classroom on Mondays. |
備考 | The above class schedule and speed will be adjusted depending on the students' performance in class. |