文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1(哲学・中文)



令和元年度入学者 英語1(哲学・中文)
教員名 マリッカールアブドゥル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業概要 This course is designed to help students develop their listening and speaking skills. Students will have the opportunity to listen to natural conversations in travel related situations within the broader context of a trip to New York. In this class, we will brush up our listening and speaking skills through a wide variety of listening practices and communicative activities through the use of audio and video materials.
授業のねらい・到達目標 We will develop our listening and speaking skills to be able to communicate effectively. The students will master the vocabulary and sentence structure necessary for them to be able to communicate.

授業の方法 Class work will consist of individual, group and pair work activities. The class will be conducted in English and all the students should try to speak in English. In addition to the textbook,I will use supplementary materials and communicative activities through the use of DVDs and other visual materials.

Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Orientation - introduction of teacher and the students. Discussion of the syllabus, guidelines for the classes. Useful classroom English distributing handouts.
【事前学習】Students read the online syllabus and buy the textbook.
【事後学習】Students write their self introduction on the format given by the instructor.
2 Unit 1 - At the Airport - arranging to pick up from JFK.
【事前学習】Preparation - Practice the dialog.
【事後学習】Do the drills for homework.
3 Unit 1 continued - skill building exercises - synonyms and prepositions.
【事前学習】Preparation - Read pages 8 and 9 of Unit 2.
【事後学習】Compare the school counselling systems in Japan and the United States of America.
4 Unit 2 School - academic counselling, practice the dialog, drills - comprehension, substitution, use the appropriate preposition.
【事前学習】Search the website of the City University of New York.
【事後学習】Do the exercises on page 12.
5 Unit 2 continued - listen and fill in the blanks.
【事前学習】Preparation - Read pages 14 and 15 of Unit 3.
【事後学習】Prepare to apply to The City University of New York.
6 Unit 3 - Housing - house hunting online, apartment inspection.
【事前学習】Things to consider when looking for an apartment in Japan.
【事後学習】Answer the comprehension questions on page 17.
7 Unit 3 continued - conversation practice and follow up exercises - comprehension, substitution, underline the correct form, listen and fill in the blanks.
【事前学習】Preparation - Read pages 21 and 22 of Unit 4.
【事後学習】Fill in the New York Residential Lease Agreement Form on page 20.
8 Unit 4 - Repairs - maintenance problem and practice the dialog.
【事前学習】Type of repairs in apartments.
【事後学習】Read and try to understand the repair order form on page 26.
9 Unit 4 continued - skill building exercises - comprehension, substitution, synonyms, listen and fill in the blanks.
【事前学習】Preparation - Read pages 27 and 28 of Unit 5.
【事後学習】Answer the comprehension questions on pages 30 and 31.
10 Unit 5- Street Directions - lost pedestrian, practice the dialog, finding locations.
【事前学習】Prepare a map of the place you live in now and mark the important landmarks.
【事後学習】Compare the map of your place with the map of Manhattan on page 32.
11 Unit 5 continued - skill building exercises - comprehension, substitution, antonyms, listen and fill in the blanks.
【事前学習】Find information about the movie to be watched in class.
【事後学習】Summarize the main points in the dialog in Unit 5.
12 Watch a movie and students write their impression about the movie.
【事前学習】Preparation - Writing a review about the movie. Rewrite the review with corrections.
【事後学習】Find information about other movies having similar themes.
13 Discussion about the movie. Question and answer session.
【事前学習】 Read and watch the DVD for the dialog in Unit 6.
【事後学習】Do the drills on page 36.
14 Unit 6 - Shopping - selecting and paying for items, practice the dialog and follow up exercises.
【事前学習】 Look for information about your favorite stores to shop for clothes.
【事後学習】Study for the test.
15 Summary and Review. Final test.
【事後学習】Students are guided on the homework for the summer vacation.
教科書 Mary Tadokoro 『CitiPals in New York: New Edition of Survival English (CitiPals in New York: New Edition of Survival English)』 Asahi Press 2013年 第2200版
Please buy the textbook and also bring an English-English Dictionary to class.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(80%)、授業参画度(20%)
Students’ participation will be measured by attitude.
オフィスアワー Please come to the teachers' lounge before class or speak to me after class in the classroom on Fridays.
備考 Students are expected to use word cards for vocabulary building.

The pace and speed of the class schedule will be adjusted depending on the performance of the students.
