文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 III 群 > Japanese Culture 1

Japanese Culture 1


令和2年度入学者 Japanese Culture 1
教員名 青柳寛
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 BLACKBOARDを利用した遠隔授業を行う。
授業概要 JAPANESE POPULAR CULTURE * via BLACKBOARD System during the Covid-19 Special Period
This course covers the ethnographic approach to Japanese popular culture (JPC). Students will examine social mechanisms, cultural practices, and historical processes that set the stage for the social phenomena of JPC. Investigations include: how JPC and relevant trends emerge, spread, and become parts of Japanese national competence. Subjects include manga, anime, J-pop music, pop idols, power spot boom, otaku syndrome, Cawaii culture, and Cool Japan.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To enhance skills in academic acquisition, research, and communication in both English and Japanese – mainly for Japanese students who are interested in studying and working abroad.

◎ この科目は文理学部のDP及びCP1,2に対応しています。
授業の方法 1) A series of lectures to enhance acquisition
2) Assignments that aim to enhance summarization skills
3) Presentations that facilitate skills in research and communication
履修条件 ★JPCの探究に関し、英語を駆使しながら、欧米大学レベルの学びと思考に真摯に楽しく取り組む意志があること。
1 Course Introduction: Knowing Our Duties; Fundamental Concepts and Aspects
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
2 Cultural Logic and Symbolic Mechanism
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
3 Ethnographic Case Study on J-Pop Idolatry: How Aoyagi Approached It
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
4 Takarazuka Revue: Case Study on Institutional Establishment
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
5 Japan Inc. and the Bright New World: On Politico-economic Setting
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
6 Kogal Subsphere: Case Study on Subculture and Its Public Transformation
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (時間)
7 Neoethnic Fashion and Identify Reformation in Okinawa: On Social Framing
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
8 J-Pop Music and the Progression of Collective Sentiment
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
9 Workshop on Organizing Your Lecture Notes
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
10 Workshop on Your Artwork Creation
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (時間)
11 MINGEI: Craftship and the Heritage of Popular Tradition
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (時間)
12 Japanese Popular Visual Arts as Craftship
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
13 Cool Japan: On Strengths and Weaknesses of Japan’s Soft Power
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
14 J-Fashion: Japan’s Modal Codification Strategies
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
15 The Overview of Our Coursework: Reflecting on Your Attainments
【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview. (2時間)
【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week. (2時間)
教科書 Each student will create his/her own TEXTBOOK (A bundle of neatly organized lecture notes) based on his/her creativity and acquisitions
参考書 使用せず、適宜URL等で対応。
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Creative Artwork + Interpretive Description/独創的な作品+説明文(30%)、授業参画度(15%)、TEXTBOOK (A bundle of neatly organized lcture notes)/マイテキストブック(体系的に整理された講義ノオトの束)(55%)
Evaluation of your coursework will be based on how well you managed to demonstrate your weekly efforts to acquire course contents and apply your acquisitions to organizing your TEXTBOOK, or a bundle of your weekly lecture notes (to turn in towards the end of this course) as well as your creative artwork that demonstrates your message based on your acquisitions in this course!
オフィスアワー Onlineで対応する。
備考 本科目は2020(令和2)年度以降の入学者が履修可能な科目です。
