文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 III 群 > Japan in the World 2

Japan in the World 2


令和2年度入学者 Japan in the World 2
教員名 渡寛法
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 課題研究
授業概要 This course is aimed to provide an overview of issues in Japanese society, examining the key concepts of the Japanese mind. Students can learn about cultural values, behavior patterns, and communication styles in modern Japan.
授業のねらい・到達目標 この科目は文理学部のDP1およびCP1に対応しています。

To deepen your understanding of a variety of issues in Japanese society.
授業の方法 In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Students taking this course will be expected to prepare for each class by reading the appropriate textbook pages and any other materials that the instructor assigns. Students must complete various writing assignments, including a final report of at least 1,000 words in order to receive credit for this course.
履修条件 The students are expected to have taken Japan in the World 1.
1 Introduction to the course and to the question of what Japanese mind might mean
【事前学習】Check out the course syllabus(シラバスを事前に確認し、授業全体の流れを理解する)
【事後学習】Complete the worksheet of 1st lesson (1 hour時間)
2 Iitoko-Dori: Adopting Elements of Foreign Culture
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
3 Ikuji: Childrearing Practices in Japan
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
4 Kenkyo: The Japanese Virtue of Modesty
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
5 Kisetsu: The Japanese Sense of the Seasons
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
6 Nemawashi: Laying the Groundwork in Japan
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
7 Omiai: Arranged Marriage in Japan
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
8 Otogibanashi: Folktales of Japan
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
9 Ryousaikenbo: Good Wives and Wise Mothers
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
10 Sempai-Kohai: Seniority Rules in Japanese Relations
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
11 Shudan Ishiki: Japanese Group Consciousness
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
12 Soshiki: Japanese Funerals
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
13 Uchi to Soto: Dual Meanings in Japanese Human Relations
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
14 Wabi-Sabi: Simplicity and Elegance as Japanese Ideals of Beauty
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the issues in Japanese society that were discussed in class and write down your own opinions in a review sheet. (1 hour時間)
15 Zoto: The Japanese Custom of Gift Giving
【事前学習】Read the section of the textbook and write down your questions in a notebook. (1 hour時間)
【事後学習】Choose a topic and write a final paper (3 hours時間)
教科書 Roger J. Davies 、 Osamu Ikeno, The Japanese Mind: Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture, Tuttle Publishing, 2002
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:final paper (50%)、授業参画度:in-class activities (30%)、review worksheet (20%)
オフィスアワー I will respond to inquiries by email individually.
備考 本科目は2020(令和2)年度以降入学者が履修可能な科目です。
