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英語1 (教育)


令和2年度入学者 英語1 (教育)
教員名 マリッカールアブドゥル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 Due to the prevailing corona virus pandemic, classes will be conducted online. Classes will be held during real time meeting on Zoom and Blackboard. So please cooperate to complete the classes successfully. Please sit in front of your computer on the first day at 9.00 a.m.
授業概要 This class is designed to help students to develop their speaking and listening skills. The students will have the opportunity to listen to natural conversation in different situations, and can immediately use in a university context.
This will help students to understand English used in a variety of situations and to be able to respond in ways appropriate to the situation. The activities in the textbook keep students focused and engaged and move them steadily towards everyday fluency and familiarity with educational themes and issues. In class, students learn to understand the main ideas, and learn to identify necessary information.The topics are meeting and greeting people and talk about a typical day, family and friends, likes and dislikes, good and bad habits and so on. Each unit in the textbook focuses on a complete conversation and students are systematically shown how to participate in this conversation spontaneously.
授業のねらい・到達目標 この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。

Mastering the skills to understand the main points of a conversation on familiar topics at normal speed.Ability to understand expressions and vocabulary used in daily life.
Students learn to speak clearly and confidently on topics in daily life. They also develop vocabulary necessary for everyday transactions and use simple grammatically correct sentences clear enough to be understood.
授業の方法 Students will practice the authentic model conversation in the textbook in the form of role plays. In addition to the textbook, I will use supplementary materials to encourage students to communicate effectively. This skill building exercises will be done in class in the form of individual, group and pair work activities with the use of audio and video materials.
履修条件 Students are expected to come to class with a positive mind to improve their communication skills. They are also required to spend at least an hour per week studying the textbook, class materials and listen to the CD to review materials studied in previous classes.
1 Orientation ^ Introduction of the teacher and the students. Syllabus for the course, guidelines for the classes, useful classroom English with handouts.
【事前学習】Students should read the online syllabus and buy the textbook. (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Students write their self introduction using the format given by the instructor (30 minutes時間)
2 Pre-Unit A and B - Getting to know your teacher and your classmates. Asking and answering questions.
【事前学習】Read the pre Unit C and D (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the questions on page 10 (30 minutes時間)
3 Pre-Unit C and D - Getting to know one another, introduce your partner
【事前学習】Read Unit E (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Summarize in your notebook Unit C and D (30 minutes時間)
4 Pre Unit E - Practice question patterns with your partner. Look for a classmate who is an only child, was born in the summer, can ski etc.
【事前学習】Think appropriate answers for the questions on page 13 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Write the unfamiliar vocabulary on page 13 and check their meanings (40 minutes時間)
5 Unit 1 - Meet the people in this book.
【事前学習】Write a similar introduction about a classmate or friend (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read Unit 1 and try to answer the warm up exercise (30 minutes時間)
6 Unit 1 - Meeting and Greeting People - warm up activities, vocabulary and practice the dialog
【事前学習】Read the rest of Unit 1 (35 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Check the meaning of difficult words (40 minutes時間)
7 Unit 1 continued - asking for more information, grammar check and conversation practice.
【事前学習】Students complete the exercise on page 18 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the important points in this unit (40 minutes時間)
8 Unit 2 - Family and Friends - warm up activities, vocabulary and practice the dialog
【事前学習】Read the continuation of Unit 2 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Check the meaning of unfamiliar words (40 minutes時間)
9 Unit 2 continued - asking for more information, grammar check, how to fill an application form
【事前学習】Complete the conversation on page 27 using what you have learnt in this unit (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read Unit 3 for the next class (40 minutes時間)
10 Unit 3 - Likes and Dislikes - warm up activities, vocabulary and adjectives
【事前学習】Write ten sentences using the adjectives on page 29 (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read the continuation of Unit 3 (30 minutes時間)
11 Unit 3 continued - practice the dialog, follow up exercises, interview your classmates
【事前学習】Complete the chart with information about your classmates on page 32 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Summarize the important points in this unit (40 minutes時間)
12 Unit 4 - Good Habits and Bad Habits - warm up activities, vocabulary, practice the dialog
【事前学習】Write five sentences about your good and bad habits (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read the continuation of Unit 4 (40 minutes時間)
13 Unit 4 continued - grammar check, telling time,conversation practice
【事前学習】Homework - Review Unit 1 page 42 and 43 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Find answers for Review Unit 2 on page 44 and 45 (30 minutes時間)
14 Review Unit 3 and 4 pages 46-49
【事前学習】Review of the units done in class during the semester (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Prepare for the final mid term test next week (90 minutes時間)
15 Wrap up and review, final test.
【事前学習】Check the answers to your questions from the textbook (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Prepare to do the summer homework (60 minutes時間)
教科書 ISBN 978-4-523-17767 Price: 2100 yen 『Student Teacher: Introductory English for Education Majors (Susan Williams and Vivian Morooka)』 Nan`un-do 2017年 第2版
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Reports(40%)、授業参画度:Online class participation(60%)
オフィスアワー Classes will be conducted online and no face to face classes will be held in the spring semester.
備考 The above class schedule and speed will be adjusted depending on the students` performance in class.
