文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1 (情報科・化)(地理)(教育)

英語1 (情報科・化)(地理)(教育)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語1 (情報科・化)(地理)(教育)
令和元年度以前入学者 英語1
教員名 マリッカールファティマ
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 This class will be conducted in person on campus. For students living abroad or far away and on approval from the university, assignments will be posted on blackboard. Students are expected to follow the instructions carefully and submit their assignments on blackboard on time by the due date.
Blackboard ID【20220153】英語1(教育)(マリッカールファティマ・前・月1)
Blackboard ID【20220158】英語1(地理)(マリッカールファティマ・前・月2)
Blackboard ID【20220219】英語1(情報科・化)(マリッカールファティマ・前・土2)
授業概要 The aim of this course is to develop the communicative skills of the students. Students will develop their listening and speaking skills to understand English used in a variety of situations and to be able to respond in ways appropriate to the situation. In addition, they will be assigned to do activities individually, in pairs and groups. They will learn how to summarize what they read to be able to explain in easy language. Students will also be taught basic presentation skills, do research and make short presentations in front of the class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
This class aims to equip students with the communicative skills they need to feel comfortable speaking and listening to English in a wide variety of situations. (A-2-1)(A-3-1)
Students will participate in activities designed to improve their listening comprehension and ability to make themselves understood in spoken English including formal and informal conversation.(A-6-1)
授業の方法 授業の形式:【演習】
The skill building exercises will be done in class in the form of individual, pair and group activities. Audio and video materials will be used to improve their listening and speaking skills. Students will practice their presentation skills by making short presentations towards the end of the semester. In addition, supplementary materials relevant to the topics studied in class will be given by the instructor.Feedback on the homework assignments will be given to the students in the following week.
【Students who live abroad and far away from the campus. Also, students who are permitted
by CHS or departments they belong to, or students who is permitted by class teachers.】
Complete assignments on Blackboard given each week.
1 Orientation - introduction of the teacher and students, guidelines for the classes and discussion of the syllabus.(In person)
【事前学習】Prepare themselves to start the first day of class. (20 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read Unit 1 of the textbook - Vocabulary preview. (30 minutes時間)
2 Unit 1 - Hometown - vocabulary preview, actions and listening practice. (In person)(A-2-1)
【事前学習】Read the passage on pages 3 and 4 and find the meaning of difficult words. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the reading comprehension and multiple choice questions. (30 minutes時間)
3 Unit 1 continued - check the homework, work on the exercises on word study, short conversation and pre-discussion.(In person)(A-3-1)
【事前学習】Students summarize the important points in the reading passage. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the advanced organizer 1 - write four things about your hometown. (30 minutes時間)
4 Check the homework on Unit 1. Unit 2 - Student Life (Studies) - vocabulary preview. actions (on campus) and listening practice. (In person)
【事前学習】Read the vocabulary and check the meaning of difficult words. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the reading comprehension and multiple choice questions. (30 minutes時間)
5 Unit 2 continued - check the homework. Word study (Sentences), short conversations and pre-discussion. (In person)
【事前学習】Read the passage and find the meaning of the difficult words. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Write about your studies and answer the questions/discussion points. (30 minutes時間)
6 Basic presentation techniques are introduced using handouts. Students practice these techniques with their classmates in pairs and groups. Discussion of topic for presentation. (In person)
【事前学習】Students thinks of a topic for their presentation. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Students write the outline for their presentation. (30 minutes時間)
7 Outline of the students are checked by the instructor. Comments and suggestions are given. Guidelines on preparation of power point slides.(In person)
【事前学習】Students prepare the draft of the power point slides based on the outline. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Students prepare for the power point presentation in class. (30 minutes時間)
8 Power point presentations. Comments and suggestions by classmates and the instructor.(In person)
【事前学習】Read vocabulary review in Unit 3 - Student Life (Free Time). (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the vocabulary review and actions (on campus). (30 minutes時間)
9 Unit 3 continued - check the answers for the vocabulary review and actions exercises.Listening practice. (In person)(A-6-1)
【事前学習】Read the passage and find the meaning of the difficult words. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the reading comprehension and multiple choice questions. (30 minutes時間)
10 Unit 3 continued - check the answers to the reading comprehension and multiple choice questions, word study (sentences), short conversations. (In person)
【事前学習】Write the important points in the reading passage. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the questions on page 23 about free time at school. (30 minutes時間)
11 Unit 3 continued - check the homework. Answer the questions/discussion points. Work on the discussion question in pairs. (In person)
【事前学習】Think of answers to the questions on pages 23 and 24. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read the vocabulary review in Unit 4. (30 minutes時間)
12 Unit 4 - Meal time - Vocabulary Preview - breakfast, lunch and dinner, listening practice. (In person)
【事前学習】Students prepare to discuss their food habits in class. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Find the meaning of the difficult words in the reading passage. (30 minutes時間)
13 Unit 4 continued - reading comprehension, multiple choice and word study (sentences).
(In person)
【事前学習】Complete the exercise on short conversations. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Work on the pre-discussion exercise. (30 minutes時間)
14 Check the homework on pre-discussion exercise, answer questions / discussion points. Questions and answers about the test.(In person)
【事前学習】Complete the discussion questions on page 32. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Study for the test. (30 minutes時間)
15 Wrap up and Review, final test (In person)
【事前学習】Review the units studied in this semester. (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Prepare to write a short paragraph on the summer holidays. (30 minutes時間)
教科書 『Core English for Global Communication (Charles Jannuzi and Masayo Kanno)』 Asahi Press 2018年
Please buy the textbook from the university bookstore. Please also bring a notebook, dictionary and word cards (for studying new vocabulary) to class.
参考書 N/A
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト:Final test(60%)、授業参画度:Active class participation and homework(25%)、Presentations(15%)
Evaluate tasks on Blackboard for any students who cannot attend in-person.
オフィスアワー Please come to the teachers` lounge before class starts or talk to me before or after class in the classroom.
