文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 III 群 > History of Japan1

History of Japan1


令和2年度以降入学者 History of Japan1
令和元年度以前入学者 History of Japan
教員名 髙松麻里
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 対面授業
* 初回授業時までに Canvas LMS でコース登録をし、[連絡事項]を見ておいてください。
* Canvas LMSのコース登録に加え, 履修登録期間中に CHIPS で履修登録を行うこと。
*事前に質問等がある場合は、直接 takamatsu.mari@gmail.com にメールしてください。
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 215753A04 2024History of Japan1(髙松麻里・前・火2)
授業概要 Azuma no kuni, the country of the East, was once considered wild and uncivilized, juxtaposed both geographically and culturally with Kyoto, the capital in the West. This conception of the “Wild East” underwent a dramatic shift when shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616) established a new political center there in 1590. The city, now known as “Edo,” meaning "bay-entrance" or "estuary," became the epicenter of politics, economics, and culture. Approximately two hundred and fifty years later, the Emperor relocated his residence to the East, renaming the city Tokyo as the new capital in the East. Despite enduring the devastation of the great earthquake in 1923 and air raids during the Second World War, Tokyo's cityscape underwent significant transformation while retaining its historical layers, which continue to influence its current structure, function, and dynamism.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The course aims to familiarize students with the historical as well as architectural aspects of metropolitan Tokyo. Further, through critical examination of the images of Tokyo, students will be expected to achieve a profound understanding of the city.


授業の形式 講義
授業の方法 This course delves into the intricacies of metropolitan Tokyo, focusing on its rich historical tapestry and iconic landmarks that define its present-day cityscape. We will commence with an exploration of Edo's historical evolution up to the 1630s, before embarking on weekly examinations to different districts of the city, each spotlighting significant historical sites. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing physical locales and depictions in various media—from writings and paintings to prints, photographs, and movies—we will unravel Tokyo's past. In particular, we will illuminate our understanding of the city's historical strata with insights from the 18th-century guidebook "Edo Meisho Zue," Guide to famous Edo sites.
1 Week 1. Introduction to the Exploration of Edo/Tokyo
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
2 Week 2. Edo, the City that Became Tokyo: History
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
3 Week 3. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会 [Guide to famous Edo sites] Preview of Area 01-04
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
4 Week 4. Image of Edo: Ando Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
5 Week 5. Area 01 中央区 Chūōku 日本橋 京橋: Nihonbashi, Kyōbashi *Nihonbashi Bridge 日本橋
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
6 Week 6. Area 02 千代田区 Chiyodaku 大手町 丸の内 Ōtemachi, Marunouchi * Edo Castle 江戸城
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
7 Week 7. Area 03 港区 Minatoku 芝 Shiba *Zōjōji Temple 増上寺
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
8 Week 8. Area 04 台東区 Taitōku 浅草 Asakusa Ryōgoku *Sensoji Temple 浅草寺
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
9 Week 9. Edo Meisho Zue Preview of Area 05-10
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
10 Week 10. Area 05 江東区 Kōtōku Sumidaku 亀戸 Kameido *Gohyaku Rakan ji Five Hundred Arhat Temple 五百羅漢寺 / 亀戸天神
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
11 Week 11. Area 06 品川区 Shinagawaku 品川 Shinagawa *東海禅寺 Tōkaizenji Temple
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
12 Week 12. Area 07 文京区 Bukyōku *Kōrakuen Garden 後楽園
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
13 Week 13. Area 08 北区 Kitaku 王子 Ōji *Ōji Inari Shrine 王子稲荷
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
14 Week 14. Area 09 目黒区 Meguro * Gohyaku Rakan ji Five Hundred Arhat Temple 五百羅漢寺
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
15 Week 14. Area 10 世田谷区 Setagayaku *Gōtōkuji Temple 豪徳寺
【事前学習】Preview of the area via maps and guidebooks, as well as through one’s own research via the Internet, etc. are indispensable. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to visit the sites in person. (2時間)
【事後学習】Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and class every week. (2時間)
教科書 使用しない
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Weekly reaction notes(60%)、2 presentations(40%)
オフィスアワー Questions will be answered in class after class.
