文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 III 群 > Japanese Literature1

Japanese Literature1


令和2年度以降入学者 Japanese Literature1
令和元年度以前入学者 Literature of Japan
教員名 イザベルラヴェル
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 This class will be conducted in-person. Please always keep updated via Canvas LMS and do not hesitate to send an email to the professor if you have any questions.
この授業は、原則として対面式で行われる。必ずCanvas LMSでのアップテートを参考にし、分からないことがあるときは教員に直接メールで取り合わせをすること。
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 216153A08 2024Japanese Literature1(イザベルラヴェル・前・水2)
授業概要 Why read Japanese literature in English? In this class, we discover through the study of translations how Japanese literature came into shape during the Meiji era under a massive import of European literature.
The new literary language that appeared then was created through intense cultural exchanges with multiple texts in several languages. By reading early and mid-20th century Japanese literature in translation, we discuss the multicultural and multilingual dimensions of modern Japanese literature from its very beginning.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The course provides an overview of the birth of modern Japanese literature and its reception of foreign texts. Students should:
(1) Achieve a general understanding of the cultural and social functions of literature;
(2) Be able to discuss in English some of the key problematics explored by Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa authors;
(3) Gain some theoretical and practical understanding of the process of translation.
この科目は文理学部のDP及びCP1に対応しています。この科目は文理学部のディプロマポリシーDP2, 3, 6, 及びカリキュラムポリシーCP2, 3, 6に対応している。(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2).
授業の形式 講義
授業の方法 Students learn to read texts in English and communicate on the topic. Via Canvas LMS, students have access to reading materials and PowerPoint slides. Students do weekly in-class writing exercises and need to submit short assignments on Canvas every 2 weeks (quizzes and short essays on the reading materials). Students need to attend the in-person classes and participate in the live discussions.
The final essay also needs to be submitted via Canvas.
対面授業では、クラスディスカッションやグループワークに参加する。Canvas LMS を通して教材を配信する(テキストとPowerPointスライド)が、受講⽣はその教材を学修し、所定の⽅法で課題の解答やエッセイーを提供する。対面参加ができない場合は、事前に教員の許可を得てズームでのリモート参加と課題提出が可能。フィードバックは毎回Canvas LMS にて提供される。
1 Introduction to the Course: Presentation of class format, evaluation system, expectations from students
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
2 Discussing the Language of Japanese Literature
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
3 Meiji: The Age of Translation
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
4 Genbun itchi and Meiji Literary Translations - The Problem with Classical Japanese
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
5 Genbun itchi and Meiji Literary Translations - The Influence of Translations
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
6 Discussing “Translation” and “Creative Writing”: Differences and Similarities
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
7 Futabatei Shimei's "Ukigumo"
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
8 What is Literary Realism?
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
9 Discussing Tayama Katai’s “Futon”/Discussing Final Essay
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
10 Tayama Katai’s “Futon” and the I-Novel
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
11 Mizumura Minae’s “An I-Novel From Left to Right”
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
12 The Evolution of Japanese Literature Today
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
13 The Multilingual Japanese Novels
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Complete the short assignment (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
14 The Multilingual Japanese Poetry
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Read and study the assigned text (2時間)
【事後学習】Go over your lecture's notes (2時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
15 Final Discussion and Feedback
(A-2-2, A-3-2, A-6-2)
【事前学習】Prepare for class discussion (2時間)
【事後学習】Submit the final essay (5時間)
【担当教員】Isabelle LAVELLE
教科書 Assigned texts will be provided in class.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:A well-written essay on the topic of around 800 words(30%)、授業内テスト:Short assignments every 2 weeks(50%)、Weekly in-class assignments and special assignments for online students(20%)
オフィスアワー Via email and Canvas LMS.
