文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > オーラル・コミュニケーション1



科目名 オーラル・コミュニケーション1
旧カリキュラム名 スピーチ・コミュニケーション1
教員名 マリッカール
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ This course will focus on helping students to function confidently and successfully in social and business situations of all kinds, with special emphasis on using English in their work.
授業のねらい・到達目標 In this course, we will listen to conversations relevant to our daily lives. The class will stress on the development of skills necessary to use English in daily life. Students will learn to communicate and interact with the other students in the class through pair and group work activities to strengthen both listening and speaking skills.
授業の方法 In this class, students will brush up their speaking and listening skills
through a wide variety of listening practices and communicative activities
through the use of audio tapes. Class work will consist of individual, group
and pair work activities.Students will also be taught presentation techniques and
will be required to do group presentations at the end of the semester.
履修条件 None
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students will be required to prepare and read the lessons at home before coming to the class so that they could participate actively in the lesson.
1 Guidance - self introduction of teacher and students. Discussion of the syllabus and guidelines for the classes, useful classroom English.
2 Unit 1 - Getting acquainted - getting to know your classmates.Listening practice, talking about things we like.
3 Unit 1 continued – introducing a classmate, vocabulary review.
4 Unit 2 – Experiences - listening practice, conversation.
5 Unit 2 continued – memory challenge, ghost stories, vocabulary review.
6 Unit 3 - Sports and Leisure - conversation, talking about sports, making comparisons
7 Unit 3 – continued - sport rules, quiz on sports, listening and vocabulary review.
8 Unit 4 - Shopping money - large numbers, the population of different countries.
9 Unit 4 – continued - talk about money and time, places to go shopping, listening practice
and vocabulary.
10 Unit 5 - Food - conversation, talking about food, describing Japanese food.
11 Unit 5 – continued - asking students about their likes and dislikes of food, listening practice, vocabulary review.
12 Unit 6 - Travel - conversation, talk about travel, teacher gives the outline for group presentation of travel project. Details are given in the form of a handout.
13 Unit 6 continued - around the world in 30 days, checking into a hotel, making a complaint, vocabulary review.
14 Semester review
15 Travel Project - group presentation by the students
教科書 John Pak, Let:s Chat, EFL Press
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(65%)、平常点(15%)、Group Presentation(20%)
Students who are absent for more than 1/3 of the classes without a valid reason will not receive the credit for the course.
オフィスアワー Tuesdays 12.40 to 1.00 p.m in the teacher's lounge
