文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > Cities and Media

Cities and Media


科目名 Cities and Media
教員名 Mari Takamatsu(髙松 麻里)
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ Japanese visual culture has been formed through ceaseless negotiations with foreign ideas, technology and artistic creations. This course examines a variety of visual art produced in Japan from the prehistoric period to the present, paying particular attention to the global context of its creation. Roughly chronologically organized, each class explores issues such as the construction of “Japan-ness” in architecture and painting; the impact of transcultural faiths, namely Buddhism and Christianity; and the ramifications of modern technology.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The course aims to familiarize students with artworks, artistic mediums and the historical development of Japanese visual culture in order to critically interpret these in terms of both similarities and differences with the productions of other visual cultures.
授業の方法 Each session will consist of a lecture followed by a class discussion. One or two readings either in Japanese or English will be assigned every week and they are expected to be completed before each class meeting. Students are required to submit a short reaction note about the reading and lecture every week.
1 Introduction: What is Japanese Art?
2 "Japan-ness” in Architecture 01: Ise Shrine and Chōgen’s Rebuilding of Tōdaiji
3 "Japan-ness” in Architecture 02: Katsura Detached Palace and Nikko Tōshōgū Mausoleum
4 Buddhism 01: Representations of Buddhist Cosmology
5 Buddhism 02: Zen Buddhism and New Aesthetics: Ink Painting, Flower Arrangement, Tea Ceremony
6 Two Modes of Japanese Paining: Yamato-e and Kara-e
7 Hybridity in Nanban Arts 01: The Impact of Christian Imagery in the 16-17th Centuries
8 Hybridity in Nanban Arts 02: Screens, Lacquer Wares, and Fashion
9 Influence of European Painting 01: Adaptation of One-point Perspective
10 Hiroshige and Hokusai in the Global Context
11 Influence of European Painting 02: Material, Technique and Subject
12 Cubism and Other Avant-garde Painting in Asia
13 New Mediums of Visual Culture: Photography, Movie, Animation, and Comics
14 Manga as Global Enterprise
15 Wrap-up
教科書 No text book is required. Reading will be provided via photocopy.
参考書 N/A
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(60%)、レポート(20%)、授業参画度(20%)
*Attendance, Participation (discussion based on the reading assignments): 80%
*1 final short paper, 3-5 double-spaced pages (Due July 16, Tuesday, 6PM, via email): 20%
オフィスアワー N/A
備考 N/A
