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Academic English 2 (英文学科以外の学生,および再履修者(英文学科生を含む)用)


Academic English 2 (英文学科以外の学生,および再履修者(英文学科生を含む)用)
教員名 ウィリアムズ,ケネス
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ Further develop the skills taught in semester one
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course is designed to help students both understand the parts of a basic paragraph and essay and then write both of them in English.
授業の方法 There are 12 units in this textbook. Each unit includes a number of explanations and activities leading the student to the goal of writing academic English. We will take about two or three classes for each unit.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students will be asked to finish activities in the book and or writing projects at home.
1 Comparison/Contrast
paragraphs: Choosing a topic page 40, Comparing and contrasting page 41, Comparative and contrast structure page 42
2 Comparison/Contrast
paragraphs: Using contrast structures page 43, Similarities and differences page 44/45/46
3 Comparison/Contrast
paragraphs: Write comparison or contrast paragraph page 47/48/49
4 Problem/Solution
paragraph: Problems and solutions page 50/51/52
5 Problem/Solution
paragraph: Linking problems with solutions page 53, Writing solutions page 54, review page 55
6 The structure of an essay: The structure page 58/59
7 The structure of an essay: Thesis statement page 58/59
8 The structure of an essay: Writing thesis statement page 60/61, Review page 62
9 Outline an essay: What is an outline page 63, Writing an outline page 64/65
10 Outline an essay: What is an outline page 63, Writing an outline page page 66/67
11 Outline an essay: Evaluating an outline: page 68/69/70
12 Introduction and conclusion: The introduction page 71/72/73
13 Introduction and conclusion: Types of information page 74, The conclusion page 74/75/76
14 Unity and coherence: Unity in writing page 78/79, Editing an essay for unity page 80/81
15 Unity and coherence: Coherence in writing page 82, Cohesive devices page 82/83/84/85/86
教科書 Dorthy E. Zemach & Lisa A. Rumisek, Success With Colllege Writing, Macmillian Education, 2003, 1 edition
The above book is out of print now, so copies will be provided by the teacher for the students.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(40%)、レポート(60%)
Students who are frequently absent or late will not receive credit for this class.
オフィスアワー I will take a few minutes at the end of each class as"office hours." Please come and talk with me if you have any problems or questions. If you are late for class please come up and tell me you were late and why you were late during this time.
