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教員名 チルトン,マイルズ
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業テーマ An introduction to postcolonial Caribbean literature in English.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course introduces students to one of postcolonial Caribbean literature’s most important novels, Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John, as well as key issues in Caribbean literature, history, culture, and identity in essays by Caribbean writers.
授業の方法 By reading and discussing Jamaica Kincaid’s novel Annie John, students will develop a deeper understanding of the impact of colonialism on the formation of gender identities. After reading the novel, we will read a short story by Kincaid that offers a different way seeing mother-daughter relationships under colonialism, then two essays by Caribbean writers that describe the struggles encountered in migration to the colonial ‘center’, England. In addition to readings and discussions, students will prepare short presentations, and write a final essay.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Students are required to complete all homework assignments according to the syllabus schedule.
1 Introduction
2 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 1
3 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 2
4 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 3
5 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 4
6 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 5
7 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 6
8 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 7
9 Annie John
preparation: read chapter 8
10 “My Mother,” Jamaica Kincaid
preparation: read the essay
11 “Waltzing Across Four and a Half Decades,” B. A. Gilroy
preparation: read the essay
12 “Ancestors I Carry,” James Berry; presentation preparation
preparation: read the essay
13 presentations
preparation: prepare a presentation
14 no class
15 review; final essays due
教科書 Jamaica Kincaid, Annie John, Farrar, Straus and Giroux ISBN-13: 978-0374525101
Other materials will be supplied by the instructor.
参考書 Students may read Japanese translations of the readings, but all classes, homework and assignments will be in English.
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(30%)、presentations(35%)、final essay(35%)
Students who participate actively will succeed in this class. Students who are frequently late or who are absent from more than four classes will not receive credit for this class.
オフィスアワー Monday 16:30-18:00 in my office (7316); or by appointment
