文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2(哲学・中文)



科目名 英語2(哲学・中文)
教員名 ティーターズ, ステファン
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択
授業テーマ 「生きた」英語によるコミュニケーション

Developing competence in the skill areas of language learning these include listening, speaking reading, vocabulary and grammar.
授業のねらい・到達目標 「英語2」は、聞く・話すという、音声言語としてのコミュニケーション能力を培うことを目標としています。母国語習得過程を振り返っても十分理解できるように、言語は思ったり感じたりすることを話し、これを聞いて理解するものとして発達してきました。英語によく耳を傾け、おおよその内容を理解できるようになること、自分が相手に伝えようとすることを英語で即座に表現できること、そうしたコミュニケーション能力を高めていくことがこの授業のねらいです。

To improve understanding of natural spoken English through pronunciation and intonation exercises. Longer conversation dialogs will also be used to brush up on listening comprehension and to concentrate on fluency.
授業の方法 Our materials consist of native speaker pronunciation in sentences in which particular sounds are the focus. The pronunciation exercises are followed by short, situational type conversations. We'll check these for comprehension then practice the dialogs in pairs until we have attained a basic level of fluency.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント Weekly homework is assigned. The homework is either vocabulary-building exercises or grammar-manipulation exercises. It will be collected, scored, and returned to the student the week after the assignment. Key difficulties with the week's homework will be discussed in the following class.
1 Review of the course procedures from the first semester and in-class and out-of-class (homework) requirements will be discussed.
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
2 Pronunciation exercise: Contrasting 'to be' questions (Present and Past tense).
Situational dialog titled "A time at a party".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
3 Pronunciation exercise: Wh-questions to be, Present tense.
Situational dialog titled "Mr. Murata's retriever".
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
4 Pronunciation exercise: Wh-questions to be, Past tense.
Situational dialog titled "A Surprise Bargain".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
5 Pronunciation exercise: Contrasting wh-questions to be, Present and Past tense.
Situational dialog titled "The Shower Party".
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
6 Pronunciation exercise: Statements, don't, doesn't, didn't.
Situational dialog titled "The Most Gorgeous Apartment".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
7 Pronunciation exercise: Do/Does Questions.
Situational dialog titled "The Dripping Faucet".
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
8 Pronunciation exercise: Did- forms in questions.
Situational dialog titled "Swimming".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
9 Pronunciation exercise: Contrasting Do, Does, Did Questions.
Situational dialog titled "Tuxedo Rental".
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
10 Pronunciation exercise: Wh-questions do/does.
Situational dialog titled "Bike Riding".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
11 Pronunciation exercise: Wh-questions with 'did'.
Situational dialog titled "Vacation Abroad".
Homework will be a vocabulary-building exercise.
12 Pronunciation exercise: Contrasting Wh-questions do, does, did.
Situational dialog titled "A Toothache is Killing Me".
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise.
13 Pronunciation exercise: 'Do' in negative questions.
Situational dialog titled "Chicken, Eggs, & Vegetables Recipe".
Examination information will be given.
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation-exercise and studying for the examination.
14 Semester review
Homework will be a grammar-manipulation exercise.
15 Explanation and final examination which will test vocabulary, dictation, reading, and a short essay.
教科書 Handouts
参考書 Handouts
成績評価の方法及び基準 平常点(20%)、レポート(10%)、授業内テスト(50%)、授業参画度(20%)
オフィスアワー Fridays: 8:30 a.m. until first period class, in teacher's lounge.
Fridays: Lunch hour in teacher's lounge.
備考 Sleeping in class and playing with cell phones is prohibited.
