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Academic English 1


Academic English 1
平成27年度以前入学者 オーラル・コミュニケーション1
教員名 フルトン, スチュワート / チルトン, マイルズ / ロ・ディコ, マウロ / アンダーウッド, ジェームズ / ジェームズ, カルロ / ドゥルー, ウィリアム
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業テーマ The first semester introduces academic writing skills in the first four weeks, then it introduces students to the rudiments of study in the main fields of the English department: linguistics and literature.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The semester is divided into the Writing Unit, the Linguistics Unit, and the Literature Unit.
授業の方法 Writing Unit
Students learn the basics of paragraph writing and format, with an emphasis on unity and coherence.

Linguistics Unit
Students learn linguistics concepts, and complete related task-based activities. They will write a 150-word paragraph and give a three-minute oral presentation.

Literature Unit
Students read two short stories, complete vocabulary and grammar tasks, then discuss the stories' themes and conflicts, and write a 150-word summary and perform a dramatization.
事前学修・事後学修,授業計画コメント See the schedule below.
1 Introduction
2 Writing Unit
Unit 1 Part 1 (pages 2-10)
Homework: Outline (pages 11-12)
3 Unit 1 Part 2 (pages 13-20)
Homework: Write first draft of the paragraph
4 Unit 1 Part 3 (pages 21-29)
Homework: Exercise 6 (pages 29-31)
5 Unit 1 Part 4 Peer editing/writing workshop of the paragraph from page 20
Homework: Write final draft of the paragraph
6 Linguistics Unit
"Language, Learning and Teaching" (Task-based activities that teach the concepts)
Homework: Reading & Comprehension
7 "Language, Learning and Teaching" (Continue task-based activities combining skills with concepts)
Homework: Write a paragraph
8 "Language, Learning and Teaching" (Oral presentation skills)
Homework: Prepare presentations on an aspect of language
9 "Language, Learning and Teaching"
10 Literature Unit
"Charles" (pages 58-60)
Homework: B The Story; C Understanding the Story (pages 61-67)
11 "Charles" (pages 68-69)
Homework: Write a summary
12 "Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen" (pages 70-72)
Homework: B The Story; C Understanding the Story (pages 73-80)
13 "Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen" (pages 81-82)
Homework: Prepare a dramatization (page 83, Writing 5)
14 Q & A on course content from Week 1 to 13
15 Dramatizations & Conclusion
教科書 Chin, Peter, et al., Academic Writing Skills 1, Cambridge UP, ISBN 978-1-107-63622-4, 2012
Kay, Judith & Gelshenen, Rosemary, Discovering Fiction 1, Cambridge UP, ISBN 978-1-107-65222-4, 2013, 2nd edition
Please buy these textbooks BEFORE the first class.
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート(44%)、授業参画度(14%)、6 Homework assignments(12%)、Presentation & Dramatization(30%)
オフィスアワー The instructor will inform the students in class.
