文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1 (英文)

英語1 (英文)


令和2年度入学者 英語1 (英文)
教員名 マリッカールアブドゥル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 Due to the corona virus pandemic, classes will be conducted online. Classes will be held during real time meeting on Zoom and Blackboard. Please cooperate to complete the classes successfully sitting in front of the computer on time.
授業概要 This class is designed to help students to develop their speaking-listening ability. The students will have the opportunity to listen to natural conversation in different situations and can immediately use in a university context. This will help students to understand English used in a variety of situations and to be able to respond in ways appropriate to the situation. In class, students learn to understand the main ideas, identify necessary information in a variety of fields.
The focus of the course will be to provide the students with the vocabulary and practice necessary to express their opinion beyond simple conversation. Students will have opportunities to read about a number of issues which affect Japan and our global community, conduct independent research, and be able to discuss and present their ideas to the class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The main objective of this class is to improve students' communicative abilities in English. By the end of this course students should be able to:

1. express their ideas and opinions
2. ask and answer simple questions based on the ideas presented to the class using appropriate vocabulary.
3. create original sentences using vocabulary introduced in class.
4. understand short and medium-length texts dealing with the variety of topics covered in class
この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
授業の方法 The following activities will be done in class:

1. role-plays in pairs to improve speaking skills
2. discussions in groups on topics covered in the textbook
3. short presentations in groups to express their opinion/ideas in the topics discussed in class.
4. reading exercises to expand students' vocabulary

The class will be conducted in English and students will be expected to engage actively in all activities. Homework will be assigned for every class and students have to come to class with completed homework. Students are required to spend at least one hour to review and prepare for every class.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Orientation - Introduction of the teacher and the students. Syllabus for the course, guidelines for the classes, useful classroom English with handouts.
【事前学習】Students should read the online syllabus and buy the textbook (35時間)
【事後学習】 Students write their self introduction on the format given by the instructor (30時間)
2 Students present their self introduction to the class.Class will ask follow up questions.
Introduction: Setting the Scene. When the ALT comes to your school for the first time. Listening practice and answering follow up questions.
【事前学習】Students read the conversation on pages 6 and 7. (35時間)
【事後学習】Answer the questions on page 7. (30時間)
3 Introducing our School and School Life - developing vocabulary on school facilities, equipment, stationery, teaching aids and annual events.
【事前学習】Students read page 8. (30時間)
【事後学習】Students complete the exercise on page 9. (35時間)
4 Chapter 1 - Forming a good relationship with students, listening activity.
【事前学習】Read keynote reading on page 10. (35時間)
【事後学習】Collect information for keeping a class journal. (1時間)
5 Chapter 1 continued.Keeping a class journal. Listening activity, group discussion.
【事前学習】Read keynote reading on page 14 and underline the difficult words (40時間)
【事後学習】Summarize today's main points in your notebook. (40時間)
6 Chapter 2 - Cooperation with Assistant Language Teachers - vocabulary preview, listening activity
【事前学習】Find information on the Internet on activities of ALT's in Japan. (1時間)
【事後学習】Exercises on page 16. (30時間)
7 Chapter 2 continued - keynote reading,important phrases/words.
【事前学習】Prepare for the discussion questions on page 17. (1時間)
【事後学習】Read the keynote reading passage on page 18. (30時間)
8 Chapter 3 - Groupism - vocabulary preview, keynote reading,phrases/words in the keynote reading.
【事前学習】Students find information on the advantages and disadvantages of groupism in Japan. (1時間)
【事後学習】Answer the discussion questions on page 21. (30時間)
9 Chapter 3 continued - listening activity, keeping a class journal, discussion topics.
【事前学習】Read keynote passage on page 22. (30時間)
【事後学習】Summarize today's main points in your notebook. (1時間)
10 Chapter 4 - Inter-lingual Interference - vocabulary preview, keynote reading, important phrases/words in the keynote reading.
【事前学習】Prepare answers for the discussion topics on page 25. (1時間)
【事後学習】Homework assignment - writing about the importance of English Education in Japan (1時間)
11 Chapter 4 continued - listening activity, further study, keeping class journal, discussion topics.
【事前学習】Summarize the key points in the reading passage. (40時間)
【事後学習】Read keynote reading on page 26. (1時間)
12 Watching a movie and writing a review and present to the class.
【事前学習】Read the review about the movie given by the instructor (40時間)
【事後学習】Write the review/impression about the movie. (1時間)
13 Chapter 5 - British English and American English - vocabulary preview, keynote reading, important phrases/words in the keynote reading.
【事前学習】Listen to American and British conversations on CDs. (30時間)
【事後学習】Find words/phrases with American and British expressions and spellings. (40時間)
14 Chapter 5 continued - listening activity, keeping a class journal, discussion topics.
【事前学習】Review the units covered in class to ask clarifications from the instructor. (1時間)
【事後学習】Ask questions from the instructor about preparation for the test. (40時間)
15 Wrap up and Review. Mid-term test.
【事前学習】Prepare for the mid-term test. (1時間)
【事後学習】Do the summer homework. (1時間)
教科書 Masayuki Aoki and Peter Williams, Methods and Techniques of Teaching Basic English for the Teachers of Tomorrow, Nan'un-do, 2019
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Assignments(40%)、授業参画度:Online class participation(60%)
Additional information about grading policy will be provided in the first class of the semester.
Students' classroom engagement will be assessed by evaluating their contribution to discussions in the course of the semester according to the criteria presented in class.
オフィスアワー I will be available in the Teachers' Lounge every Friday 12:15 - 13:00
備考 The above class schedule and speed will be adjusted depending on the students' performance in class.
