文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語1 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)

英語1 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)


令和2年度入学者 英語1 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)
教員名 マリッカールアブドゥル
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 Due to the prevailing corona virus pandemic,classes will be conducted online - Zoom and Blackboard. Please cooperate to complete the classes successfully by sitting in front of your computer on time.
授業概要 This course is designed to help students develop their listening and speaking skills. Students will have the opportunity to listen to natural conversations in travel related situation within the broader context of a trip to the United States. In this class, we will brush up our listening and speaking skills through a wide variety of listening practices and communicative activities through the use of audio and video materials.
授業のねらい・到達目標 この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。

We will develop our listening and speaking skills to be able to communicate effectively. The students will master the vocabulary and sentence structure necessary for them to be able to communicate.
授業の方法 Class work will consist of individual, group and pair work activities in the form of role play. The class will be conducted in English and all the students should try to speak in English. In addition to the textbook,I will use supplementary materials and communicative activities through the use of DVDs and other visual materials.

Students are supposed to spend 1 hour to complete preparation and homework on each class.
履修条件 Students are expected to come to class with a positive mind to improve their communication skills. They are also required to spend at least an hour per week studying the textbook, class materials and listen to the CD to review materials studied in previous classes.
1 Orientation - Self-introduction of the teacher and the students. Discussion of the syllabus, guidelines for the classes using handouts
【事前学習】Students read the online syllabus and buy the textbook (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Students write their self introduction using the format given by the instructor (30 minutes時間)
2 Unit 1 - In-flight Announcements - pre-listening exercise, comprehension questions, dictation - listening practice
【事前学習】Students rewrite their self introduction with corrections (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Listen to the class CD and write the sentences on page 4 (30 minutes時間)
3 Unit 2 - At Immigration and Customs - pre-listening exercise, comprehension questions, dictation- fill in the blanks by listening to the dialog
【事前学習】Do the translation of Japanese sentences into English on page 11 (35 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read page 12 on new immigration procedures and find the meaning of difficult words (30 minutes時間)
4 Unit 2 continued - Listen to related dialogs, useful expressions and substitution drills
【事前学習】Summarize the important points in the new immigration procedures (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Do the pre-listening exercises on page 13 (30 minutes時間)
5 Unit 3 - Getting to a Hotel - comprehension questions, dictation - fill in the blanks while listening to the dialog
【事前学習】Listen to the class CD and write the sentences (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Put the Japanese sentences into English on page 17 (35 minutes時間)
6 Unit 4 - Checking into a Hotel - pre-listening exercise, comprehension questions and dictation
【事前学習】Read the BART information on page 18 and answer the questions (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Answer the related dialogs 1, 2 and 3 on page 21 (30 minutes時間)
7 Unit 4 continued - Useful expressions and substitution drills
【事前学習】Put the Japanese sentences into English on page 23 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read the hotel information on page 24 and answer the questions (40 minutes時間)
8 Unit 5 - Checking in without a Reservation - pre-listening exercise, comprehension questions
【事前学習】Listen to class CD and fill in the blanks on page 26 (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Practice the dialog on page 26 at home (30 minutes時間)
9 Unit 5 continued - practice the dialog, useful expressions, substitution drills
【事前学習】Put the Japanese sentences into English on page 28 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Read the hotel advertisement on page 29 and answer the questions (30 minutes時間)
10 Unit 6 - At a Restaurant - pre-listening exercises, comprehension questions, dictation - fill in the blanks while listening to the CD
【事前学習】Listen to the class CD and fill in the blanks on page 32 and 33 (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Listen and write the useful expressions on page 34 (30 minutes時間)
11 Unit 6 continued - substitution drills, watching a video on travel abroad in English
【事前学習】Students translate the Japanese sentences into English on page 35 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Do the pre-listening exercises of Unit 7 on page 37 (30 minutes時間)
12 Unit 7 - Taking the Subway - comprehension questions, dictation - fill in the blanks while listening to the conversation
【事前学習】Listen to the class CD and write the useful expressions (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Look at the Los Angeles Metro Map and answer the questions on page 42 (30 minutes時間)
13 Unit 8 - At a Fast-Food Restaurant - pre-listening exercises, comprehension questions and the dialog
【事前学習】Listen to the class CD and fill in the blanks on page 44 (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Write down the unfamiliar vocabulary in the dialog (30 minutes時間)
14 Unit 8 continued - practice the dialog, related dialog, complete the substitution drills
【事前学習】 Translation - Japanese sentences into English (30 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Study for the final test (90 minutes時間)
15 Wrap up and review, final test
【事前学習】Feedback (40 minutes時間)
【事後学習】Students express their opinion about the class and the textbook (30 minutes時間)
教科書 ISBN 978-4-7919-7185-5 Price - 1900 yen+tax 『Travel English at Your Fingertips (Takuji Shimada and Bill Benfield)』 Seibido 2019年
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Assignments(40%)、授業参画度:Online class participation(60%)
Please come to class with a positive mind.
オフィスアワー Please come to the teachers` before class or speak to me after class in the classroom on Fridays.
備考 Please come to class with the textbook, a notebook and a dictionary
The above class schedule will be adjusted depending on the pace and speed of the students` performance
