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英語1 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)


令和2年度入学者 英語1 (哲学・中文・社会福祉)
教員名 ジョーンズケネス
単位数    1 学年    1 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 前期 履修区分 選択
授業の形態 15 weeks of task research will be provided and collected on demand on Blackboard
授業概要 This class is designed for freshmen students to review and confirm their understanding of English grammar in the context of aspects of student and daily life as well as expand their understanding of the worldview of English-language speakers. Strategies for expanding what can be said and increasing expressiveness will be provided. Cultural knowledge necessary to effectively function and appropriately perform in real-life situations will also be covered.
授業のねらい・到達目標 ・Able to identify and use English politeness levels
・Able to use appropriate levels of greetings
・Able to describe yourself and others
・Able to narrate past events
・Able to effectively use English conversation strategies
・Able to distinguish invitations and polite goodbyes

この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応している。
授業の方法 Each weekly lesson, in pdf format available on Blackboard, will be based on a dialogue from which grammatical, semantic, and cultural aspects will be taken and discussed. In each class description below, the type or parties involved in the dialogue are listed. Also with each pdf weekly lesson will be an assignment in word processor (.odt) format which is to be completed and returned to Blackboard. When to start submitting weekly assignments will be posted in the bulletin (news) board section of Blackboard. When assignments are returned, students are to review them. Considerable repetition of the same type of mistake will result in a lower grade.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 Teacher-student interaction. Assignment: create your own dialogue.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
2 Manager-worker interaction. Assignment: make sentences with different politeness levels
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
3 Friend-friend interaction. Assignment: create sentences with interrogative and relative pronouns.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
4 Friends interaction. Assignment: create sentences distinguishing linking and regular (general) verbs.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
5 Host-visitor interaction. Assignment: make dialogue.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
6 Introductions. Assignment: create a dialogue.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
7 Friends interaction. Assignment: create dialogue using various strategies (techniques)
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
8 Parting. Assignment: create dialogue reflecting various parting strategies.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
9 A conversation with 3 persons. Assignment: as if part of a conversation, answer 3 questions.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
10 Self-introduction interaction. Assignment: as if part of a conversation, answer questions.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
11 Arranging an event interaction. Assignment: create 4 dialogues.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
12 Dialogue expression emotion. Assignment: create 2 dialogues.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
13 No dialogue. Study of English tense versus English time.Assignment: making sentences reflecting either tense or time with linking (copular) or regular (general) verbs.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
14 Telephoning interaction. Assignment: create dialogue.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
15 Formal telephone interaction. Assignment: create dialogue.
【事前学習】Read over and grasp the purpose and scope of the lesson (0.15時間)
【事後学習】Read returned previous assignment, confirm varieties of markings, and understand why you made a mistake (if you did) and how to keep from repeating the mistake. (0.45時間)
教科書 Blackboard postings (pdf) and assignments (tasks)
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト:Each weekly assignment will be considered a test(100%)
オフィスアワー Contact me through Blackboard
