文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > Academic English 3

Academic English 3


令和2年度以降入学者 Academic English 3
教員名 アンダーウッド ジェームズ、キャラカー リチャード、チルトン マイルズ、ドゥルー ウィリアム、ロ・ディコ マウロ、フルトン スチュワート
単位数    1 学年    2 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 In person
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 E024050P8(2年12組前半)ロ・ディコマウロ・前・水2
授業概要 Academic English 3 builds on the knowledge and skills learned in Academic English 1 and 2. The semester begins with a Writing Unit which focuses on summarizing and paraphrasing, and on using and citing research sources. The second half of the semester, the Linguistics Unit, focuses on communicative competence and task-based learning.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The main aim of Academic English is to prepare English majors for the third-year Graduation Thesis Research Seminar and the fourth year Graduation Thesis. The third semester is divided into the Writing Unit and the Linguistics Unit. Students will acquire the ability to write academic summaries and paraphrases, and to cite academic sources. They will also acquire knowledge of the concept of communicative competence, as well as the ability to write a summary based on that knowledge.
-develop, organize, and structure a research essay (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)
-write a proper thesis statement (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)
-write proper topic sentences (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)
-support arguments using research sources (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)
-make accurate generalizations (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)
-edit a research essay (A-3-2、A-6-2、A-7-2、A-8-2)

A-3-2既存の知識にとらわれることなく, 言語現象や歴史的事象を論理的・批判的に説明することができる。
A-6-2親しい人々とコミュニケーションを取り, 専門的知識について正しく説明することができる。
A-7-2学修活動において, 積極的にリーダーシップを発揮し, 他者と協働して作業をすることができる。
A-8-2自分の学修経験の振り返りを継続的に行い, 分析することができる。
授業の形式 演習
授業の方法 In the first half of the semester, students complete classroom and homework tasks that focus writing summaries, paraphrases, and on the proper way to cite research sources in an academic essay. In the second half, there are a variety of classroom and homework tasks that give students the opportunity to learn about communicative competence and task-based learning, to improve reading comprehension, to identify plagiarism, and to use evidence in support of an academic analysis of a topic. Feedback will be provided in class or when assignments are returned.

事前に授業担当教員に許可された者については、代替措置として、Canvas LMS に配信する課題を提出する。そのほか詳しいことは状況に応じて別途指示する。
履修条件 英文学科2年生はクラス指定科目。


1 Introduction to the Writing Unit, academic writing review
【事前学習】Review Academic Writing Skills, Units 1 and 2 (1時間)
【事後学習】Complete academic writing review tasks (2時間)
2 Unit 3 part 1 Sections 1-2 (pages 72-74) paraphrasing and summarizing
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 72-74 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read sections 1-2, do exercise 2 (3時間)
3 Unit 3 part 1 Section 3 (pages 76-79) paraphrasing and summarizing
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 76-79 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read section 3, do exercise 4 (3時間)
4 Unit 3 Part 2 Sections 1-2 (pages 81-85) citing the sources of information
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 81-85 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read sections 1-2, do exercise 1 (3時間)
5 Unit 3 Part 2 Section 3 (pages 87-89) citing the sources of information
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 87-89 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read section 3, do exercise 2 (3時間)
6 Unit 3 Part 2 Section 3 (pages 87-89) citing the sources of information
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 87-89 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read section 3, do exercise 3 (3時間)
7 Peer-review, citation workshop; Review Questions (page 90)
【事前学習】Review homework, read Review Questions (page 90) (1時間)
【事後学習】Make corrections, then submit the final draft of Exercise 3 in the next class (3時間)
8 Introduction to the Linguistics Unit; Unit 3: Communicative Competence, What is Communicative Competence?
Reading A (pages 20-21)
【事前学習】Proofread Exercise 3, read pages 20-21 of linguistics textbook (1時間)
【事後学習】Read “Aspects of Communicative Competence” (pages 22-23), write answers to the Reading for Information questions (page 22) (3時間)
9 Unit 3: Communicative Competence, Task-Based Language Teaching
Reading B (pages 25-26)
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 25-26 (1時間)
【事後学習】Re-read pages 25-26, do Comprehension task (page 25) (3時間)
10 Unit 3: Communicative Competence, Task-Based Language Teaching
Activity 2: Discussing TBLT and Communicative Competence (pages 27-28)
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 27-28 (1時間)
【事後学習】Reread pages 27-28, complete step 2 (3時間)
11 Unit 3: Communicative Competence; review main topics, review how to write a summary
【事前学習】Review, re-read Unit 3 (1時間)
【事後学習】Write a 250-300 word first draft of a summary of “Aspects of Communicative Competence” (pages 22-23) (3時間)
12 Unit 3: Communicative Competence, Task-Based Language Teaching
Peer-review summaries
Appendix 9, Identifying Plagiarism (pages 88-89)
【事前学習】Proofread summaries, read pages 88-89 (1時間)
【事後学習】Complete Identifying Plagiarism tasks (pages 88-89) (2時間)
13 Unit 3: Communicative Competence, Task-Based Language Teaching
Appendix 10, Using Evidence for Support (pages 82-83)
【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 82-83 (1時間)
【事後学習】Complete Using Evidence for Support (pages 82-83) (2時間)
14 Peer-editing of Using Evidence for Support paragraph drafts
【事前学習】Proofread homework assignment, re-read pages 82-83 (1時間)
【事後学習】Make corrections to the paragraph, then submit the final draft in the next class (2時間)
15 Final review, final assignment due
【事前学習】Proofread homework assignment (1時間)
【事後学習】Review and prepare for next semester (2時間)
教科書 Linguistic Soup: Recipes for Success:Richard Caraker, Perceptia Press, 2022, 3 edition
Academic Writing Skills 1:Peter Chin, et al , Cambridge University Press, 2012
Other materials will be supplied by the instructor. Please make sure to purchase the texts before the first class of the semester.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:Writing assignment, linguistics summary, linguistics assignment(80%)、Homework assignments(20%)
オフィスアワー Each instructor will announce their office hours in the first class.
