令和2年度以降入学者 | Advanced Communication 2 | ||||
教員名 | キャラカーリチャード | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 3・4 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 英文学科 | ||||
学期 | 後期 | 履修区分 | 選択 |
授業形態 | 対面授業 |
授業の形態 | In person Advanced Communication2(キャラカーリチャード・後・火5) |
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 | E075051S8 2024Advanced Communication 2(キャラカーリチャード・後・火5) |
授業概要 | Students will be able to craft and deliver an English oral presentation. They will also be able to organize a presentation into a speech that incorporates three aspects: a verbal message, a vocal message and a visual message. The students will be able to review their classmates’ written and spoken texts and comment on them. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | Homework and Writing tasks will be evaluated based on rubrics shown when the tasks are informed.(A-3-2、A-4-2、A-6-2、A-7-2) For students who cannot attend classes, please check Canvas LMS and complete the assignments.(A-3-2、A-4-2、A-6-2、A-7-2) この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP3、DP4、DP6、DP7、DP8、及び、カリキュラムポリシーCP3、CP4、CP6、CP7、CP8、に対応している。 (A-1-2)学修から得られた豊かな知識と教養, 及び, 自己の倫理観に基づいて, 英語学・英語圏文学の役割を説明することができる。 (A-3-2)既存の知識にとらわれることなく, 言語現象や歴史的事象を論理的・批判的に説明することができる。 (A-4-2)英語学・英語圏文学に潜む問題を発見し, 専門的知識に基づいて説明することができる。 (A-5-2)新しい問題に取り組む意識を持ち, そのために必要な情報を収集することができる。 (A-6-2)親しい人々とコミュニケーションを取り, 専門的知識について正しく説明することができる。 (A-7-2)学修活動において, 積極的にリーダーシップを発揮し, 他者と協働して作業をすることができる。 (A-8-2)自分の学修経験の振り返りを継続的に行い, 分析することができる。 |
授業の形式 | 演習 |
授業の方法 | ①授業の形式:【演習(Lecture)】 ② Students will integrate the content from the two listening tasks through oral production exercises. Each unit can culminate in a sustained individual or group speaking task, and/or an achievement test.In addition to engaging the students' interests, activities will include group discussions, vocabulary building, pronunciation practice, critical thinking tasks and oral presentations. ③Feedback will be given in the next class based on content of the homework and the presentations. |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Introduction to the Course – In person A-1-2 【事前学習】Review the Three Vs of an effective oral presentation (1時間) 【事後学習】Students confirm content of the syllabus (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
2 |
Students brainstorm topics for different categories – In person
【事前学習】Students confirm content of the syllabus pages 2-3 (1時間) 【事後学習】Students choose three topics for the demonstration speech (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
3 |
Students analyze speech videos and select topic and three main points– In person A-3-2 【事前学習】Read about main points of demonstration speeches page 5 (1時間) 【事後学習】Review main points and subpoints for demonstration speeches pages 5-7 (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
4 |
Discuss speech transitions. – In person
【事前学習】Read about speech transitions page 6. (1時間) 【事後学習】Students write body of the demonstration speech script page 3. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
5 |
Discuss effective introductions and conclusions– In person A-4-2 【事前学習】Read about Introductions and conclusions page 4 (1時間) 【事後学習】Write introductions and conclusions for speeches. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
6 |
Discuss the importance of effective visual aids in demonstration speeches– In person
【事前学習】Read about visual aids pages 3 & 6. (1時間) 【事後学習】Prepare visual aids for the demonstration speech. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
7 |
The importance of questions and answers after a speech– In person A-5-2 【事前学習】Read about Q and A page 23 (1時間) 【事後学習】Practice the visual, vocal, and verbal message of the demonstration speeches. (Supplementary handout). (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
8 |
Students deliver demonstration speeches– In person
【事前学習】Review and practice the visual, vocal, and verbal messages pages 6 (1時間) 【事後学習】Review speeches and write reflection essay page 6. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
9 |
Students finish delivering demonstration speeches– In person A-6-3 【事前学習】Review and practice the visual, vocal, and verbal messages pages 6 (1時間) 【事後学習】Review speeches and write reflection essay page 6. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
10 |
Brainstorming topics and supporting information for Group presentations. – In person
【事前学習】Read about group presentations page 25. (1時間) 【事後学習】Finalize speech topics and decide main points for outline on page 26. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
11 |
Students prepare for group presentations A-7-2 【事前学習】Decide speech topics, main points and powerpoint slides 3. (1時間) 【事後学習】Review three messages and practice speeches page 3. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
12 |
Students Deliver Group presentations– In person
【事前学習】Decide speech topics, main points and powerpoint slides 3. (1時間) 【事後学習】Review three messages and practice speeches page 3. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
13 |
Students Deliver Group presentations– In person A-6-2 【事前学習】Review three messages and practice speeches page 3. (1時間) 【事後学習】Watch and critically evaluate group presentations using worksheet on page 25. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
14 |
Go over all the information covered in the class until now. – In person
【事前学習】Read about the Three Vs of public speaking pages 2-26 (1時間) 【事後学習】Review the Three Vs of an effective oral presentation. (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
15 |
Group Presentations A-4-2 【事前学習】Read about the three Vs of an effective oral presentation pages 2-26 (1時間) 【事後学習】Review your speeches on video (3時間) 【授業形態】対面授業 |
その他 | |
教科書 | Handouts will be provided by the instructor on Canvas LMS. |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | レポート:Reflection Essay(25%)、授業参画度(15%)、Presentations(60%) |
オフィスアワー | Wednesday 4:30-6:00 my office |