文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > 卒業論文研究ゼミ1



令和2年度以降入学者 卒業論文研究ゼミ1
教員名 チルトンマイルズ
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 前期 履修区分 必修
授業形態 対面授業
授業の形態 卒業論文研究ゼミ1(チルトンマイルズ・前・月2)
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 E106054E8 2024卒業論文研究ゼミ1(チルトンマイルズ・前・月2)
授業概要 Culture is an idea, a concept, or a set of assumptions, or it is what a group of people make, or it means artistic creations, or it is what shapes and reflects a set of values. Culture, in other words, means many things to many people. In this course we will examine and analyze a variety of ways in which culture can be defined, considered, valued, and otherwise used as a way of understanding human life. Culture, therefore, is not a simple, straightforward thing. By the end of the course, it is hoped that students will never use or hear the word ‘culture’ without stopping to think about how the term is being used, and why.
授業のねらい・到達目標 The overall aim of this course is to broaden and deepen our understanding of culture. Students who successfully compete the course will be able to, in English: offer various definitions of culture; understand how the meaning of culture has changed over time and in different places; analyze how culture is made or understood; and present their own responses to our discussions of culture in short presentations and papers.

この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP1 、DP3、DP4、DP5、DP6、DP7、DP8、及び、カリキュラムポリシーCP1、CP3、CP4、CP5、CP6、CP7、CP8、に対応している。
(A-1-2)学修から得られた豊かな知識と教養, 及び, 自己の倫理観に基づいて, 英語学・英語圏文学の役割を説明することができる。
(A-3-2)既存の知識にとらわれることなく, 言語現象や歴史的事象を論理的・批判的に説明することができる。
(A-4-2)英語学・英語圏文学に潜む問題を発見し, 専門的知識に基づいて説明することができる。
(A-5-2)新しい問題に取り組む意識を持ち, そのために必要な情報を収集することができる。
(A-6-2)親しい人々とコミュニケーションを取り, 専門的知識について正しく説明することができる。
(A-7-2)学修活動において, 積極的にリーダーシップを発揮し, 他者と協働して作業をすることができる。
(A-8-2)自分の学修経験の振り返りを継続的に行い, 分析することができる。
授業の形式 ゼミ
授業の方法 In the Spring semester, students will be asked to do weekly reading and writing assignments, with periodic roundtable discussions of the readings, and a final presentation. Written assignments include occasional 1-page responses and a final essay. Students are required to do the readings and complete the homework assignments in order to prepare for class. Students are expected to actively participate in class, as the teacher will ask many questions, and there will be group discussions requiring students to express their ideas. Perfect English is not required! Students who try their best, and commit themselves to active participation, will get the most out of this class. Feedback will be provided in class.

事前に授業担当教員の許可を得た者については、遠隔での参加を認める場合がある。Canvas LMS に配信する課題を提出することで代替措置とする。そのほか詳しいことは状況に応じて別途指示する。
1 Introduction: What is culture? What is ‘your’ culture?
【事前学習】Review online syllabus. (1時間)
【事後学習】Read Weil, “What Is Culture?” (pp. 7-21), do Application (p. 21-23). (2時間)
2 Origins and early development of culture
Review, discuss homework.
Culture as a product of human activity, tools, figurines, painting, mythology.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Weil, “Origins and Early Development of Culture” (pp. 45-76), do Application (p. 77). (2時間)
3 Culture as thought and action
Review, discuss homework.
Beliefs, values, norms, customs and traditions, rituals.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Weil, “Culture as Thought and Action” (pp. 101-111), do Application (p. 111-12). Also, prepare a short presentation based on one of the Application questions, along with a 1-page written answer to the question. (2時間)
4 Culture as thought and action roundtable discussions
In groups, students will present and discuss their responses to the Application
questions. At the end of the class, students will submit their written answers.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Review discussion notes. (1時間)
5 Beliefs, values and cultural universals
Review, discuss homework.
Human nature, humans and nature, time, individual and society, gender, power.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Weil, “Beliefs, Values, and Cultural Universals” (pp. 113-128), do Application (p. 128). (2時間)
6 Group membership and identity
Review, discuss homework.
Cultures and subcultures, ethnicity, race, social class, nationality.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Weil, “Group Membership and Identity” (pp. 130-151), do Application (p. 151-52). Also, prepare a short presentation based on one of the Application questions, along with a 1-page written answer to the question. (2時間)
7 Group membership and identity roundtable discussions
In groups, students will present and discuss their responses to the Application
questions. At the end of the class, students will submit their written answers.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Review discussion notes. (2時間)
8 Matthew Arnold: the culture and civilization tradition
Review, discuss homework.
Sweetness and light, the best that has been thought and known in the world.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Arnold excerpts, and Walton, “Culture and Anarchy in the UK: A Dialogue with Matthew Arnold”; do Practice Exercise 1.2 (p. 15). (2時間)
9 Leavis, Eliot, high culture vs the masses
Review, discuss homework.
The civilizing project of high culture and criticism, and culture as a whole way of life.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Eliot and Leavis excerpts, and Walton, “The Leavisites and T.S. Eliot Combat Mass Urban Culture”; do Practice Exercise: Getting at Passivity (p. 15). (2時間)
10 The ‘Culture Industry’
Review, discuss homework.
The Frankfurt School, Adorno, capitalism and the politics of culture.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read Adorno excerpts, and Walton, “Adorno, the Frankfurt School and the ‘Culture Industry’”; do Practice Exercise 1: Working with the Culture Industry Heuristic (pp. 20-22). Also, prepare a short presentation based on Practice Exercise 1: Working with the Culture Industry Heuristic, along with a 1-page written response. (2時間)
11 The ‘Culture Industry’ roundtable discussions
In groups, students will present and discuss their response to the Working with the Culture Industry Heuristic. At the end of the class, students will submit their written answers.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Review discussion notes. (2時間)
12 Global culture?
Review, discuss homework.
Is there a global culture? Globalization, localization, globalism, and hybridity.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Read “The Leavisites and T.S. Eliot Combat Mass Urban Culture”, do Practice Exercise: Working with Eliot’s ‘Transnational Culture’ (p. 18-19). (2時間)
13 Comparing cultures
Review, discuss homework.
Cultural comparison: compare Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland.
【事前学習】Review the previous week's homework. (2時間)
【事後学習】Prepare the final essay and presentation. (2時間)
14 Review discussions; work period for final presentation and essay.
【事前学習】Revise and practice delivering final presentation. (2時間)
【事後学習】Finish writing final presentations and final essays. (4時間)
15 Final presentations; final essay due.
【事前学習】Revise and practice delivering final presentation; revise final essay. (4時間)
【事後学習】Review notes, write a reflection on the semester's texts and discussions. (2時間)
教科書 Materials will be supplied by the instructor and are available on Canvas.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 レポート:final presentation and essay(40%)、授業参画度:Homework and class participation(30%)、3 presentations based on homework, plus 1-page written responses(30%)
オフィスアワー Monday 16:30-17:30
