文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 総合 II 群 > Culture of Japan 1

Culture of Japan 1


令和元年度入学者 Culture of Japan 1
教員名 青柳寛
単位数    2 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 総合教育科目
学期 半期 履修区分 選択
This course covers the ethnographic approach to Japanese popular culture (JPC). Students will examine social mechanisms, cultural practices, and historical processes that set the stage for the social phenomena of JPC. Investigations include: how JPC and relevant trends emerge, spread, and become parts of Japanese national competence. Subjects include manga, anime, J-pop music, pop idols, power spot boom, otaku syndrome, Cawaii culture, and Cool Japan.
授業のねらい・到達目標 To enhance skills in academic acquisition, research, and communication in both English and Japanese – mainly for Japanese students who are interested in studying and working abroad.

授業の方法 1) A series of lectures to enhance acquisition
2) Assignments that aim to enhance summarization skills
3) Presentations that facilitate skills in research and communication
履修条件 No specific background is required, but students must be willing to learn, think, and communicate for the sake of personal betterment.
1 Introduction to the Course: Ethnographic Approach to JPC

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
2 Japan, Inc. and the "Bright New World": Japan’s National Matrix

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
3 TAKARAZUKA Troupe and Gender Role-Modeling

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
4 Kogal Phenomena and Subcultural Organization

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
5 Pop Icons of Past and Present

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
6 J-Pop Music and Japanese Collective Sentiment

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
7 Semiotics and Cultural Strategies of J-Fashion

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
8 Research Project and Presentation Workshop / Exam 1

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
9 TAKUMI Craftship and the Legacy of Japanese-Style Cultural Production

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
10 Manga, Anime and Animation (1): Craftship in Japanimation

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
11 Manga, Anime and Animation (2): Historical Heritage

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
12 The Fantastic World of O-Edo: The Dawn of Japanese Consumer Culture

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
13 Meiji Transformation and the Westernization of Japanese Lifestyle

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
14 Cool Japan: Dissemination of Japanese Trends in Asia and Beyond

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
15 Course Summary / Exam 2

【事前学習】Pick up key words, and conduct your own search and preview.

【事後学習】Systematize your lecture note for this week.
教科書 自作テキスト(履修生作)
※Students will create their own textbooks based on class lectures!
参考書 Relevant sources will be assigned and instructed in class!
成績評価の方法及び基準 授業内テスト(30%)、授業参画度(20%)、TEXTBOOK (A Bundle of Lecture Notes)(50%)
● 過去に行ったアンケートの内、信憑性の高いものによる意見を汲みながら授業の軌道修正を図る。
オフィスアワー Before and after class hours
