文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英文学科 > Advanced Communication 2 (14後半)

Advanced Communication 2 (14後半)


令和元年度以前入学者 Advanced Communication 2 (14後半)
平成28年度以前入学者 アカデミック・ライティング2
教員名 ジェームズカルロ
単位数    1 学年    3 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 英文学科
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業の形態 Online Real time meeting (Via Zoom). Blackboard Class ID: 20201740
授業概要 The language of instruction will be English. All four language skills will be exercised in this course – reading, writing, listening, and speaking, – with an emphasis on assessing and improving the ability to communicate in English through speaking.
授業のねらい・到達目標 Students will be able to satisfy the requirements of some basic communicative exchanges. Students will be able to make short statements and ask questions in simple sentences. Students will be able to speak about immediate needs and be understood in uncomplicated survival situations.この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP3、DP4、DP6、DP7、及び、カリキュラムポリシーCP3、CP4、CP6、CP7、に対応している。
授業の方法 Classroom activities will include grammar and vocabulary, listening and reading texts on challenging topics, academic writing, and thought-provoking discussions. Each week students will study half a unit from the text. Every two weeks there will be a unit quiz. Finally, there will be a review before the Final Exam.
1 Unit 7A A weird, wired world
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
2 Unit 7B Information overload
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
3 Unit 8A Exploring creativity and Quiz #7
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit and prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
4 Unit 8B Ideas that work
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
5 Unit 9A How typical are you? and Quiz #8
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit and prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
6 Unit 9B Problems & solutions
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
7 Units 7-9 Communication review and Quiz #9
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit and prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
8 Unit 10A That really bugs me!
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
9 Unit 10B Let’s do something about it!
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
10 Unit 11A How honest are you? and Quiz #10
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit and prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
11 Unit 11B Taking stock
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
12 Unit 12A Culture shock and Quiz #11
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit and prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
13 Unit 12B Traveler or tourist?
【事前学習】Read the first three pages of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Do the written or reading exercise in the fourth page of each half unit (30 Min.時間)
14 Quiz #12 and review for Final Exam
【事前学習】Prepare for the Quiz (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Review the Quiz and prepare for the Final Exam (30 Min.時間)
15 Final Exam (Units 7-12) and Feedback
【事前学習】Prepare for the Final Exam (30 Min.時間)
【事後学習】Review the Final Exam (30 Min.時間)
教科書 Jack C. Richards & Chuck Sandy, Passages Student’s Book 1 (Third Edition), Cambridge U. Press , 2016, 3 edition
All students are required to purchase the textbook.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(25%)、授業内テスト:In-class examination will be measured by every class(25%)、授業参画度:Students' participation will be measured by discussions during every class(25%)、Attendance(25%)
To pass the course, students must 1) buy the textbook, 2) miss no more than 4 classes a semester, 3) complete all class activities, 4) use English when speaking to the teacher and during English speaking activities in class. Students who are more than 30 minutes late are marked absent.
オフィスアワー Mondays 8:30-14:30.
