令和元年度以前入学者 | 卒業論文研究ゼミ1 | ||||
教員名 | チルトンマイルズ | ||||
単位数 | 1 | 学年 | 3 | 開講区分 | 文理学部 |
科目群 | 英文学科 | ||||
学期 | 前期 | 履修区分 | 必修 |
授業の形態 | On demand, using Blackboard for research and self-study tasks. There is also the possibility of real-time video discussions. Please consult Blackboard for the final version of the syllabus, as there will be changes. The schedule below is only approximate because the form of this online schedule makes no sense in the case of an on-demand, asynchronous class. |
授業概要 | The spring semester will build on research essay skills learned in Academic English in order to prepare students to write a graduation thesis. More specifically, this seminar will focus on improving reading and interpretation of Anglophone fiction. This zemi is aimed at students who are serious about wanting to improve their English writing (and speaking, listening, reading), who want to understand literature more deeply, and who aim to write a graduation thesis in English. |
授業のねらい・到達目標 | Students who successfully compete the course will be able to, in English, • understand and use various strategies for reading short fiction • write regular Literary Journal entries recording thoughts and impressions of the stories read in class • understand and identify the key elements within a story • read several short stories with minimal recourse to a dictionary • participate with confidence in discussions of readings and interpretations • formally, structurally, and impressionistically analyze the stories • write a short essay about the elements and theme of a story • perform peer reviews of classmates’ writing • give a short presentation summarizing their essay この科目は文理学部(学士(文学))のディプロマポリシーDP1 、DP3、DP4、DP5、DP6、DP7、DP8、及び、カリキュラムポリシーCP1、CP3、CP4、CP5、CP6、CP7、CP8、に対応している。 |
授業の方法 | Overall, this seminar will build on the skills learned and practiced in Academic English – reading and writing. The spring semester will focus on reading strategies; in other words, how to read so that you can better understand, respond to, analyze, and interpret a fictional text. Using the textbook The International Story, the first section of the course will work through the many reading and analyzing activities pertaining to Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour.” In the second section of the course we will apply those reading strategies to readings and discussions of other short stories in the textbook. Students will also write a Literary Journal, in which they will record their thoughts and impressions of what they read. In the third and final section of the course, students will prepare a short essay and presentation about one of the stories read during the semester. Special note for Spring semester: Due to the coronavirus restrictions, please note the following: • This class will be mostly on-demand self-study; however, I hope we can do some video discussions and short presentations on Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate. We can make plans for this as the semester progresses. • All class assignments will be written on or uploaded to Blackboard. • Students are urged to spend about 3 hours a week doing the reading and writing assignments (3 hours x 15 weeks = 45 credit hours). • Follow the class schedule (on Blackboard, not the one below), and post all assignments to Blackboard every Monday by 24:00. • Computer: It will be very difficult to do the assignments without a personal computer. If you are having difficulty obtaining a computer, please contact me. |
授業計画 | |
1 |
Part 1. Introduction: Watch my introductory video on Blackboard. In the video I explain the syllabus, schedule, objectives, and expectations. After you watch the video, please send me a message on the Blackboard Discussion Board: confirm that you understand the syllabus, and ask any questions you have. Also, please briefly introduce yourself. (Maybe we can do this on Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate.) Part 2. This week’s topic: Developing effective reading strategies: understanding and responding 【事前学習】Read the updated syllabus posted on Blackboard. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read pages 5-22; write a Literary Journal entry about “The Story of an Hour” in the Blackboard “The Story of an Hour” Discussion Board by 24:00 on 5/18. (2 時間) |
2 |
Developing effective reading strategies: understanding and responding Discuss Journal responses to the story, difficult words, and questions about the story; introduction to analyzing and interpreting: elements within a story (plot, plot summary). 【事前学習】Read pages 23-25 and Literary Journal entry. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Reread “The Story of an Hour,” then do Evaluating summaries (24); and Summarizing a plot in one or two sentences (25). (2 時間) |
3 |
Developing effective reading strategies: analyzing and interpreting Discuss homework; elements within a story (setting), do Examining the setting of a story (26); elements within a story (character), do Suggesting a character (27). 【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 25-28. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Do Analyzing character (28); and Analyzing a character through a word (28). (2 時間) |
4 |
Developing effective reading strategies: analyzing and interpreting Discuss homework; elements within a story (point of view), do Determining point of view in a story (30); elements within a story (imagery), do Creating images (30), Making associations (31). 【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 28-31. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Do Identifying images in a story (31). (2 時間) |
5 |
Developing effective reading strategies: analyzing and interpreting Discuss homework; elements within a story (symbolism), do Discovering symbols in a story (32); elements within a story (tone), do Determining the tone of a story (33). 【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 31-34. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Do Uncovering irony in a story (34). (2 時間) |
6 |
Developing effective reading strategies: analyzing and interpreting Discuss homework; elements within a story (speech), do Examining speech in a story (36); elements within a story (structure), do Examining the structure of a story (37); elements within a story (foreshadowing), do Searching for foreshadowing in a story (37). 【事前学習】Review homework, read pages 34-41. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read Researching Elements Outside a Story (37-38), and Discovering Themes (38-41), do Discovering a theme (40), Analyzing themes (40-41), and Discovering a theme (41). Prepare for the final assignment: choose one of the stories read this semester (except for “The Story of an Hour”), and analyze it using 1) the list of elements within a story (41), and 2) based on that analysis, identify a theme or themes in the story. Write your analysis in proper essay format, and aim to write about 5 pages. The final assignment is due in the second-last class. (2 時間) |
7 |
Developing effective reading strategies: analyzing and interpreting Discuss homework; review elements within a story. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread Part One. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read “Swaddling Clothes,” Mishima Yukio, write a Literary Journal entry about the story, use the list of elements within a story (41) as a guide and review where necessary. (2 時間) |
8 |
Discussing stories Discuss Literary Journal entries and other aspects of the story that interest the class. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread “Swaddling Clothes.” (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read “A Handful of Dates,” Tayeb Salih, write a Literary Journal entry about the story, use the list of elements within a story (41) as a guide and review where necessary. (2 時間) |
9 |
Discussing stories Discuss Literary Journal entries and other aspects of the story that interest the class. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread “A Handful of Dates.” (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read “Araby,” James Joyce, write a Literary Journal entry about the story, use the list of elements within a story (41) as a guide and review where necessary. (2 時間) |
10 |
Discussing stories Discuss Literary Journal entries and other aspects of the story that interest the class. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread “Araby.” (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read “The Egg,” Sherwood Anderson, write a Literary Journal entry about the story, use the list of elements within a story (41) as a guide and review where necessary. (2 時間) |
11 |
Discussing stories Discuss Literary Journal entries and other aspects of the story that interest the class. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread “The Egg.” (2 時間) 【事後学習】Read “A Trifle from Real Life,” Anton Chekov, write a Literary Journal entry about the story, use the list of elements within a story (41) as a guide and review where necessary. (2 時間) |
12 |
Discussing stories Discuss Literary Journal entries and other aspects of the story that interest the class. 【事前学習】Review homework, reread “A Trifle from Real Life.” (2 時間) 【事後学習】Reread the story which you will write your final assignment about; write first drafts of final assignments. (2 時間) |
13 |
Discussing stories Discussion and peer review of first drafts of final assignments; review of elements within a story. 【事前学習】Proofread first drafts. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Review peer review notes and relevant sections of the textbook; write final drafts of final assignments. (2 時間) |
14 |
Discussing stories Short presentations and discussions based on final assignments; final assignments will then be submitted. 【事前学習】Prepare a short presentation based on final assignment. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Reread notes on presentations and relevant sections of the textbook; write a short critique of your essay. (2 時間) |
15 |
Discussing stories Final assignments returned, with individual commentary. 【事前学習】Review elements within a story. (2 時間) 【事後学習】Review commentary, feedback. (2 時間) |
その他 | |
教科書 | The International Story:Judith Peck, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0-521-65797-6, 1998 |
参考書 | 使用しない |
成績評価の方法及び基準 | レポート:final writing assignment(40%)、assignments and discussions(60%) |
オフィスアワー | Monday 16:30-17:00, Tuesday 16:30-17:00 |