文理学部シラバスTOP > 文理学部 > 英語 > 英語2 (哲)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科)

英語2 (哲)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科)


令和2年度以降入学者 英語2 (哲)(体育)(ドイツ文・地球科)
教員名 トパーシグマンド
単位数    1 学年 1~4 開講区分 文理学部
科目群 外国語科目
学期 後期 履修区分 選択必修
授業形態 対面授業
Canvas LMSコースID・コース名称 ID【3121610C7】英語2(哲)(トパーシグマンド・後・木3)
授業概要 To be successful in this class, learners must actively participate in the class and do homework assignments. There will in-class discussions, group work, and pair-work. Learners will be required to read assigned material before coming to class.
授業のねらい・到達目標 This course aims to helps learners to learners seamlessly develop both language and academic skills in English as a Foreign Language. Learners will be exposed to relevant reading and writing skills through carefully structured reading and writing exercises.(A-2- 1、A-3-1、A-6-1)
この科目は文理学部のDP及びCPの2, 3, 6 に対応しています。
授業の形式 演習
授業の方法 The method of teaching will include lectures, reading relevant for a given theme, selection, followed by discussion beginning with questions and answers. Teacher will explain specific points and cultural differences. Students will practice using the material, including vocabulary and grammar through writing exercises.

Feedback will be provided in class or online when assignments are returned.
履修条件 ①英語習熟度別クラス分けテストを受け、その結果により振り分けられたクラスで履修すること。
1 READING: Color Me Pink
Paragraph Structure PRACTICE Writing a paragraph
【事前学習】Structure of a paragraph (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand the structure of a paragraph (1時間)
2 READING: And the Lucky Number Is . . .
WRITING SKILLS: The Parts of an Essay | The Thesis Statement
【事前学習】Read sample paragraph (1時間)
【事後学習】Write a paragraph (1時間)
3 PRACTICE Writing two body paragraphs about superstitions
【事前学習】Read about different cultures (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand some cultural differences (1時間)
4 4. Customs: READING: Thanksgiving—Hawaiian Style
WRITING SKILLS: The Introduction
PRACTICE: Writing an introduction about preparing for an event
【事前学習】Read about Introductions and conclusions (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand introductions and conclusions (1時間)
5 READING: Hop to It!
WRITING: SKILLS The Conclusion
PRACTICE Writing an introduction and a conclusion about a custom
【事前学習】Reading about parts of a paragraph (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand parts of a paragraph (1時間)
6 Mind and Body
READING: Personality Revealed
【事前学習】Read about introductions (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand introductions (1時間)
7 WRITING: SKILLS The Example Essay
PRACTICE: Writing an example essay about character traits
【事前学習】Read about personal characters (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand individual differences (1時間)
8 8. READING: Pets to the Rescue
WRITING SKILLS: Using such as
PRACTICE Writing an example essay about keeping healthy
【事前学習】Read relevant personality vocabulary (1時間)
【事後学習】Undertand personality vocabulary (1時間)
9 9. People Making a Difference
READING: Saving Africa’s Largest Animals
WRITING SKILLS: The Descriptive Essay
PRACTICE Writing a description essay about people
【事前学習】Read about descriptions (1時間)
【事後学習】Undertand personality vocabulary (1時間)
10 10. READING: Educating Kenya’s Girls
WRITING: SKILLS The Narrative Essay
PRACTICE Writing a narrative essay about a person’s life
【事前学習】Read about descriptions (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand vocabulary for description (1時間)
11 Food:
READING: Sushi Crosses the Pacific
WRITING SKILLS: The Comparison-and-Contrast Essay—Part I | Comparison and Contrast Words and Phrases | Using while and whereas
【事前学習】Read about cultures and food (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand cultures and food (1時間)
12 12. READING: What’s for Breakfast?
WRITING SKILLS: The Comparison-and-Contrast Essay—Part II | Using although, even though, and though
【事前学習】Read about narration (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand narrative writing (1時間)
13 PRACTICE Writing an essay comparing eating customs
【事前学習】Read about compare and contrast (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand differences between compare and contrast (1時間)
14 14. READING: Keeping It Secret
WRITING SKILLS: Writing about Reasons | Introducing Reasons with because and as PRACTICE Writing an essay that gives reasons for certain behaviors
【事前学習】Read about facts and opinions (1時間)
【事後学習】Can distinguish facts from opinions (1時間)
15 15. READING: English Around the World
WRITING SKILLS: The Cause-and-Effect Essay | Words That Signal Cause and Effect | Using therefore and consequently READING: The Fearless Fiennes
【事前学習】Read about cause and effect (1時間)
【事後学習】Understand cause and effects (1時間)
教科書 Milada Broukal , Weaving It Together 3, 4th Edition :Connecting reading and Writing, National Geographic Learning/Cengage, 2004, 4 edition
Do not purchase the text before the start of the class. There might be a change in the edition so please wait till we meet in class.
参考書 使用しない
成績評価の方法及び基準 試験(30%)、レポート:Homework(35%)、授業参画度:Class attendance and participation(35%)
オフィスアワー Thursday: 12:30 (Please make an appointment before or after class.)
